to the research projects

Interactive media for memory care and social support for dementia patients

Good social support and care for people with dementia follows a person-centered approach and thus aims to strengthen the residents' own identity and promote their well-being.

Biography work and reminiscence care play an important role in this, which is usually still carried out by caregivers in care facilities in individual and group activities using conventional and singular media (e.g. photos). In previous projects - such as InterMem - various multimedia and interactive concepts of biography work and memory care were developed and researched. Particularly positive effects were observed with regard to emotions and the promotion of skills.

Building on these results, the RemeMTI project will conduct further studies on the usability and effectiveness of technology-supported memory care and develop a marketable system that supports the entire care process from biography recording to implementation and reflection. The aim of the project is to improve the quality of life and maintain the identity of people with dementia by promoting social and emotional activation and engagement.

Multisensory stimuli, natural interaction and the use of individual and targeted content can generate added value through the use of technology. In the course of the project, the caregivers of the associated institutions will receive software that they can use to compile, control and evaluate the individual sessions themselves. In this way, people with dementia will receive individual, resident- and situation-specific memory care sessions in which they can, for example, use gesture control to discover life-historical images, favorite songs and virtual worlds together with their caregiver.

Products currently available on the market often only offer touch-controlled tablet applications with rather fixed content. The RemeMTI project also aims to evaluate new forms of interaction and presentation. As part of research and development, the project is supported by expert partners from the fields of care and technology.

Project partners

Associated partners

  • Dementia Support Stuttgart gGmbH
  • Caritasverband für die Erzdiözese Freiburg e.V.
  • Vertigo Systems GmbH

Further practice partners with expression of interest and in consultation:

  • Marienhaus St. Johann e.V. (Freiburg)
  • St. Cyriak Wohnen und Pflege (Furtwangen)
  • St. Antonius nursing home (Triberg)
  • Katharina Egg nursing home (Freiburg)
  • Parkresidenz am Germanswald (Villingen-Schwenningen)
  • Fürstlich-Fürstenbergisches nursing home for the elderly (Hüfingen)


The project is funded by the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF).