prot P.S.I.

to the research projects

Modulation of the Reactivity of Proteins and Thermodynamics using Pressure

Proteins are the building blocks of life - as enzymes they look after the metabolism, control growth and the communication of cells and lifeforms, build shell and framework structures and activate protection from pathogens. Proteins consist of a wide variety of arranged and folded amino acid chains which make the various functions possible. New research shows that the reactivity of enzymes can be specifically controlled using pressure.

The aim of the prot P.S.I. project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is to be able to use the process parameter pressure for enzymatic/biocatalytic processes, thus improving the efficiency of  these processes. Furtwangen University is working on "New Technologies for the Development of Process Control Strategies ", a sub-project within prot P.S.I., the aim of which is the development of intelligent process control strategies for process engineering which can be carried out under variable pressure. The know-how of Furtwangen University will be applied to develop these new and innovative automation strategies.

Project partners

  • Dr.- Ing. Schoop GmbH Engineering Office (Coordination)
  • GALAB Laboratories GmbH
  • Furtwangen University
  • Technical University Hamburg


The project is being funded within the framework of the "Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Initiative " funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Reference code: 031B0405C
HFU funding: c. €170,000

  • prot P.S.I. (I3578)