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Workplace stakeholders in the digital shaping process

According to current prognoses, digitalisation as a global megatrend is expected to lead to considerable changes in industrial work in the next 20 years. It demands from companies a change in technologies used, organisation of work, and management culture. Organisations must develop and implement their own company-specific "transformation path". The lean@digital project deals with this process of change in the workplace, focusing specifically on participation. It will also examine whether new digitalisation concepts support the production logic of integrated production systems, replace them, or even radically change them. An early understanding of stakeholders in the workplace setting, of negotiating methods and opportunities for shaping development in the digitalisation process, can significantly improve the chance of success, and influence the direction of development.

The responsibilities of HFU in this project include a quantitative survey of organisations and works councils in order to gain a better understanding of the digitalisation process and the part played by the various parties involved in the workplace.

Project partners

  • IMU Institut GmbH
  • Furtwangen University


The project is funded by the Hans-Böckler Foundation within the framework of the "Changing structures and innovation" topic focus, Project number: 2018-398-1.


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