Institut für Data Science, Cloud Computing und IT-Sicherheit

zu Forschungsinstitute

Interdisziplinär und hochaktuell


Das Team unseres Instituts IDACUS

Das Institut für Data Science, Cloud Computing und IT-Sicherheit (IDACUS) ist Teil der Fakultäten Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik und Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen an der Hochschule Furtwangen. Das Institut ist in folgenden Forschungsfeldern aktiv: Data Science, Cloud Computing, IT Sicherheit, Industrie 4.0, Machine Learning, Privatsphäre und Nachhaltigkeitsthemen.

Unsere Forschungsprojekte

Laufende Projekte

Abgeschlossene Forschungsarbeiten


  • Frank Dölitzscher: Security Audit Compliance For Cloud Computing, Dissertation, Plymouth University, Februar 2014, 356 Seiten,
  • Thomas Rübsamen: Evidence-based Accountability Audits for Cloud Computing. Dissertation, Plymouth University. 2016. 421 Seiten.
  • Stefan Frey (2022): Autonomic Management of Service Level Agreements in Cloud Computing. Dissertation, University of Plymouth, 122 Seiten. Datum der mündlichen Prüfung: 01.10.2021.
  • Hendrik Kuijs (2023): “A Platform as a Service Framework for Ambient Assisted Living Services”. University of Plymouth, UK. Dissertation. 227 Seiten. Tag der Verteidigung: 22.12.2023.
  • Kevin Wallis (2023): „Verteilte Datenvalidierungsnetzwerke im industriellen Umfeld“. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. Dissertation. 190 Seiten. Tag der Verteidigung: 15.11.2023. URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:25-freidok-2416966, .
  • Mohammed B. M. Kamel (2023): Secure Protocol Suite for Addressing, Discovery and Validation. Dissertation, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. Tag der Verteidigung: 05.04.2023
  • Philipp Ruf: Machine Learning Environments for Cyber Physical Systems. Université de Haute-Alsace Mulhouse. Tag der Verteidigung: 06.12.2023,



2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009


Fatemeh Stodt, Fabrice Theoleyre, Christoph Reich Advancing Network Survivability and Reliability: Integrating XAI-Enhanced Autoencoders and LDA for Effective Detection of Unknown Attacks
Manav Madan, Christoph Reich, Anton Unakafov, Valentina Unakafova, Alexander Schmitt Automation of the Error-Prone Pam-4 Sequence Discovery for the Purpose of High-Speed Serial Receiver Testing Using Reinforcement Learning Methods
Fatemeh Stodt, Nicolai Maisch, Philipp Ruf, Armin Lechler, Oliver Riedel, Christoph Reich Collaborative Smart Production Supply Chains with Blockchain Based Digital Product Passports
Jan Stodt, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl Demystifying XAI : Requirements for Understandable XAI Explanations
Ivana Ognjanović, Luka Lakovic, Ramo Šendelj, Lazlo Bokor, Peter A. Kara, Christoph Reich, Manav Madan, Milovan Roganović, Emmanouil Zouilas, John Mantas, Jevto Eraković, Tanja Radusinović, Nada Rakočević Digital Innovations Development: Causal factors and relations - A Case Study of Montenegro
Fatemeh Stodt, Christoph Reich Digital Wallets and Identity Management : Pioneering Advances for Cloud Service Evolution
Niels Schneider, Philipp Ruf, Matthias Lermer, Christoph Reich Edge AI Deployment and Stream-Based Time Series Classification Within ARTHUR
Peter A. Kara, Ivana Ognjanović, Dirk Hölscher, Lazar Scekic, Pavle Kovacevic, John Mantas, Ramo Šendelj, Luka Lakovic, Ana Maksimovic, Nada Rakočević, Milovan Roganović, Christoph Reich, Aniko Simon, Laszlo Bokor Human-Centric Digitization in Montenegro : Progress through 17 Years of National Independence and Future Trends
Christoph Reich, Bahman Azarhoushang, Heike Kitzig-Frank, Niels Schneider KI-unterstützte Fertigung mit dem DQ-Meister : Digitaler Qualitäts-Meister
Rudolf Hoffmann, Christoph Reich Machine Learning Models with Fault Tree Analysis for Explainable Failure Detection in Cloud Computing
Ivana Ognjanović, Ramo Šendelj, Luka Laković, Christoph Reich, Manav Madan, Laszlo Bokor, Peter A. Kara, John Mantas, Emmanouil Zoulias, Martina Golob, Nataša Šimšić, Irena Orović, Jelena Terzić, Tanja Radusinović, Nada Rakočević, Jevto Eraković, Milovan Roganović, Nataša Žugić, Marijan Marijanović Montenegrin Digital Academic Innovation Hub : Experience in Supporting Digital Health Innovations
Dirk Hölscher, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Frank Gut, Nathan Clarke Pix2Pix Hyperparameter Optimisation Towards Ideal Universal Image Quality Index Score
Daniel Schönle, Daniela Fiedler, Ute Harms, Christoph Reich, Djaffar Ould-Abdeslam Transformative educational technologies : chatbot integration and teacher trainee reception in simulated classrooms
Jan Stodt, Christoph Reich, Nathan Clarke Unified Intersection Over Union for Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Jan Stodt, Christoph Reich, Nathan Clarke Unified Intersection over Union for Explainable Artificial Intelligence


Jan Stodt, Christoph Reich, Nathan Clarke A Novel Metric for XAI Evaluation Incorporating Pixel Analysis and Distance Measurement
Fatemeh Stodt, Christoph Reich A Review on Digital Wallets and Federated Service for Future of Cloud Services Identity Management
Jan Stodt, Manav Madan, Christoph Reich, Luka Filipovic, Tomi Ilijas A Study on the Reliability of Visual XAI Methods for X-Ray Images
Rudolf Hoffmann, Christoph Reich A Systematic Literature Review on Artificial Intelligence and Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Visual Quality Assurance in Manufacturing
Niels Schneider, Philipp Ruf, Matthias Lermer, Christoph Reich ARTHUR – Distributed Measuring System for Synchronous Data Acquisition from Different Data Sources
Niels Schneider, Philipp Ruf, Matthias Lermer, Christoph Reich ARTHUR: Machine Learning Data Acquisition System with Distributed Data Sensors
Philipp Ruf, Christoph Reich, Djaffar Ould-Abdeslam Applying Multimodal Data to Meta Learning for Time-Series Analysis in CPS
Aniko Simon, Luka Lakovic, Pavle Kovacevic, Peter A. Kara, Ivana Ognjanović, Ramo Šendelj, Christoph Reich, Milovan Roganović, John Mantas, Laszlo Bokor Assistive Technical Communication of Montenegrin eServices: a Case Study
Fatemeh Stodt, Jan Stodt, Christoph Reich Blockchain Secured Dynamic Machine Learning Pipeline for Manufacturing
Fatemeh Stodt, Christoph Reich Bridge of Trust: Cross Domain Authentication for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Blockchain over Transport Layer Security (TLS)
Manav Madan, Christoph Reich, Frank Hassenpflug Drawing and Analysis of Bounding Boxes for Object Detection with Anchor-Based Models
Luka Lakovic, Peter A. Kara, Ivana Ognjanović, Laszlo Bokor, Ramo Šendelj, Christoph Reich, Milovan Roganović, Emmanouil Zoulias, Jevto Eraković, Tanja Radusinović, Nada Rakočević, Aniko Simon Evaluation of the Montenegrin Academic Digital Innovation Hub
Emmanouil Zoulias, John Mantas, Ivana Ognjanović, Ramo Šendelj, Luka Lakovic, Peter A. Kara, Laszlo Bokor, Christoph Reich Health Informatics Training Programs to Strengthen Health Workforce in Montenegro
Holger Ziekow, Norbert Marschner, Dunja Klein, Benjamin Kasenda, Nina Haug Identification of Factors Guiding Treatment Decision in Oncology by Rapid Data Insights Using AI and XAI — a Pilot Study on Real-World Data
Fatemeh Stodt, Christoph Reich Introducing a Fair Tax Method to Harden Industrial Blockchain Applications against Network Attacks: A Game Theory Approach
Daniel Schönle, Christoph Reich, Djaffar Ould-Abdeslam Linguistic Driven Feature Selection for Text Classification as Stop Word Replacement
Ivana Ognjanović, Ramo Šendelj, Luka Laković, John Mantas, Emmanouil Zoulias, Laszlo Bokor, Peter A. Kara, Christoph Reich, Irena Orović, Milovan Roganović, Tanja Radusinović, Nada Rakočević, Nataša Žugić Montenegrin Digital Academic Innovation Hub: Supporting Digital Education, Business and Innovations in Medical Informatics
Martin Haimerl, Christoph Reich Risk-based Evaluation of ML Classification Methods Used for Medical Devices
Elizabeth Ndunge Mutua, Bernard Shwabwabo Kasamani, Christoph Reich Smartphone Fundus Photography Enhancement for Retinopathy of Prematurity Disease Diagnosis Using Deep Learning
Peter A. Kara, Ivana Ognjanović, Ingo Maindorfer, John Mantas, Andras Wippelhauser, Ramo Šendelj, Luka Lakovic, Milovan Roganović, Christoph Reich, Aniko Simon, Laszlo Bokor The Present and Future of a Digital Montenegro: Analysis of C-ITS, Agriculture, and Healthcare
Aniko Simon, Qiu Xinyu, Peter A. Kara, Luka Lakovic, Ivana Ognjanović, Ramo Šendelj, Christoph Reich, Milovan Roganović, John Mantas, Laszlo Bokor The User, the Watch, and the Bestseller: Study on the Utilization of Smart Medical Wearables and Their User Manuals
Fatemeh Stodt, Christoph Reich, Axel Sikora, Dominik Welte Trust Management System for Hybrid Industrial Blockchains
Holger Ziekow, Peter Schanbacher XAI for Semantic Dependency : How to understand the impact of higher-level concepts on AI results


Matthias Lermer, Christoph Reich, Djaffar Ould-Abdeslam An Evolutionary Strategy Based Training Optimization of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms (EStoTimeSMLAs)
Christian Krause, Simone Schrempp, Hans-Georg Enkler, Martin Untenberger, Volker Bucher, Nicolai Simon, Maximilian Schaudig, Malvine N. Strakova, Mihails Scepanskis An approach to improve the efficiency of flux concentrator materials, pt. 2
Philipp Ruf, Christoph Reich, Djaffar Ould-Abdeslam Aspects of Module Placement in Machine Learning Operations for Cyber Physical Systems
Alexander Gerling, Holger Ziekow, Andreas Hess, Ulf Schreier, Christian Seiffer, Djaffar Ould-Abdeslam Comparison of algorithms for error prediction in manufacturing with automl and a cost-based metric
Jan Stodt, Christoph Reich, Nathan Clarke Explainable AI with Domain Adapted FastCAM for Endoscopy Images
Philipp Ruf, Christoph Reich, Djaffar Ould-Abdeslam Flexibility of Modular and Accountable MLOps Pipelines for CPS
Qiushi Cao, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Ahmed Samet, Christoph Reich, Francois Bertrand de Beuvron, Arnold Beckmann, Cinzia Giannetti KSPMI: A Knowledge-based System for Predictive Maintenance in Industry 4.0
Fatemeh Ghovanlooy Ghajar, Axel Sikora, Jan Stodt, Christoph Reich Machine Learning Models in Industrial Blockchain, Attacks and Contribution
Mohammed B. Kamel, Peter Ligeti, Christoph Reich POSTER: ODABE: Outsourced Decentralized CP-ABE in Internet of Things
Alexander Gerling, Oliver Kamper, Christian Seiffer, Holger Ziekow, Ulf Schreier, Andreas Hess, Djaffar Ould-Abdeslam Results from using an Automl Tool for Error Analysis in Manufacturing
Mohammed B. Kamel, Peter Ligeti, Christoph Reich SDABE: Efficient Encryption in Decentralized CP-ABE using Secret Sharing
Valentin Göttisheim, Holger Ziekow, Ulf Schreier, Alexander Gerling Shapley Values based Regional Feature Importance Measures Driving Error Analysis in Manufacturing
Dirk Hölscher, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Frank Gut, Nathan Clarke Surface Quality Augmentation for Metalworking Industry with Pix2Pix
Alexander Melde, Manav Madan, Paul Gavrikov, David Hoof, Astrid Laubenheimer, Janis Keuper, Christoph Reich Tackling Key Challenges of AI Development – Insights from an Industry-Academia Collaboration
The Upper-Rhine Artificial Intelligence Symposium UR-AI 2022 : AI Applications in Medicine and Manufacturing, 19 October 2022, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany
Jan Stodt, Fatemeh Stodt, Christoph Reich, Nathan Clarke Verifiable Machine Learning Models in Industrial IoT via Blockchain


Christian Seiffer, Alexander Gerling, Ulf Schreier, Holger Ziekow A Reference Process and Domain Model for Machine Learning Based Production Fault Analysis
Christian Krause, Simone Schrempp, Hans-Georg Enkler, Alexander Filbert, Dirk Schlesselmann, Maximilian Schaudig, Tobias Lorenz Approach to improve the efficiency of flux concentrator materials
Mohammed B. Kamel, Yuping Yan, Peter Ligeti, Christoph Reich Attred: Attribute Based Resource Discovery for IoT
Manav Madan, Christoph Reich Comparison of Benchmarks for Machine Learning Cloud Infrastructures
Daniel Schönle, Christoph Reich, Djaffar Ould-Abdeslam Data-Driven Tutoring: challenges and prospects
Philipp Ruf, Manav Madan, Christoph Reich, Djaffar Ould-Abdeslam Demystifying MLOps and Presenting a Recipe for the Selection of Open-Source Tools
Christian Seiffer, Holger Ziekow, Ulf Schreier, Alexander Gerling Detection of Concept Drift in Manufacturing Data with SHAP Values to Improve Error Prediction
Alexander Gerling, Holger Ziekow, Ulf Schreier, Christian Seiffer, Andreas Hess, Djaffar Ould-Abdeslam Evaluation of Filter Methods for Feature Selection by Using Real Manufacturing Data
Alexander Gerling, Christian Seiffer, Holger Ziekow, Ulf Schreier, Andreas Hess, Djaffar Ould-Abdeslam Evaluation of Visualization Concepts for Explainable Machine Learning Methods in the Context of Manufacturing
Matthias Lermer, Christoph Reich, Djaffar Ould-Abdeslam Hybrid AI improves Energy Forecasts by combining Fuzzy Rules, Evolutionary Strategies and Neural Networks
Daniel Schönle, Kevin Wallis, Jan Stodt, Christoph Reich, Dominik Welte, Axel Sikora Industry Use Cases on Blockchain Technology
Holger Ziekow, Ulf Schreier, Alexander Gerling, Alaa Saleh Interpretable Machine Learning for Quality Engineering in Manufacturing - Importance Measures that Reveal Insights on Errors
Mohammed B. Kamel, Peter Ligeti, Christoph Reich LADA: Locality Aware Distributed Addressing for Edge/Fog Computing Infrastructures
Mohammed B. Kamel, Peter Ligeti, Christoph Reich Lamred: Location-Aware and Decentralized Multi-Layer Resource Discovery for IoT
Jan Stodt, Christoph Reich Machine Learning Development Audit Framework: Assessment and Inspection of Risk and Quality of Data, Model and Development Process
Liane Meßmer, Christoph Reich Potentials of Semantic Image Segmentation Using Visual Attention Networks for People with Dementia
Kevin Wallis, Fabian Schillinger, Christoph Reich, Christian Schindelhauer Protection Measurements for Distributed Decision Trees
Kevin Wallis, Christoph Reich, Blesson Varghese, Christian Schindelhauer QUDOS: Quorum-Based Cloud-Edge Distributed DNNs for Security Enhanced Industry 4.0
Jan Stodt, Daniel Schönle, Christoph Reich, Fatemeh Ghovanlooy Ghajar, Dominik Welte, Axel Sikora Security Audit of a Blockchain-Based Industrial Application Platform
Philipp Ruf, Jan Stodt, Christoph Reich Security Threats of a Blockchain-Based Platform for Industry Ecosystems in the Cloud


Mohammed B. Kamel, Yuping Yan, Peter Ligeti, Christoph Reich A Decentralized Resource Discovery Using Attribute Based Encryption for Internet of Things
Alexander Gerling, Ulf Schreier, Andreas Hess, Alaa Saleh, Holger Ziekow, Djaffar Ould-Abdeslam A Reference Process Model for Machine Learning Aided Production Quality Management
Kevin Wallis, Jan Stodt, Eugen Jastremskoj, Christoph Reich Agreements between Enterprises digitized by Smart Contracts in the Domain of Industry 4.0
Qiushi Cao, Ahmed Samet, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Francois Bertrand de Beuvron, Christoph Reich Combining Chronicle Mining and Semantics for Predictive Maintenance in Manufacturing Processes
Qiushi Cao, Ahmed Samet, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Francois Bertrand de Beuvron, Christoph Reich Combining Evidential Clustering and Ontology Reasoning for Failure Prediction in Predictive Maintenance
Holger Gantikow, Tom Zöhner, Christoph Reich Container Anomaly Detection Using Neural Networks Analyzing System Calls
Kevin Wallis, Fabian Schillinger, Elias Backmund, Christoph Reich, Christian Schindelhauer Context-Aware Anomaly Detection for the Distributed Data Validation Network in Industry 4.0 Environments
Kevin Wallis, Fabian Schillinger, Christoph Reich, Christian Schindelhauer Corrupted Nodes and their Impact on a Distributed Decision Tree
Christian Reser, Christoph Reich DCGAN-Based Data Augmentation for Enhanced Performance of Convolution Neural Networks
Jan Stodt, Christoph Reich Data Confidentiality In P2P Communication And Smart Contracts Of Blockchain In Industry 4.0
Yannick Wilhelm, Ulf Schreier, Peter Reimann, Bernhard Mitschang, Holger Ziekow Data Science Approaches to Quality Control in Manufacturing: A Review of Problems, Challenges and Architecture
Mohammed B. Kamel, Kevin Wallis, Peter Ligeti, Christoph Reich Distributed data validation network in IoT: a decentralized validator selection model
Isman M. Khazi, Andras Kovacs, Ali Zahedi, Christian Reser, Ulrich Mescheder, Bahman Azarhoushang, Christoph Reich In situ Qualitätsbeurteilung von Schleifprozessen mittels Mikrosystemtechnik basierter Sensorfusion
Isman M. Khazi, Andras Kovacs, Ali Zahedi, Christian Reser, Ulrich Mescheder, Bahman Azarhoushang, Christoph Reich Real time In-Situ Quality Monitoring of Grinding Process using Microtechnology based Sensor Fusion
Holger Gantikow, Steffen Walter, Christoph Reich Rootless Containers with Podman for HPC
Holger Gantikow, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke Rule-Based Security Monitoring of Containerized Environments
Alexander Gerling, Alaa Saleh, Ulf Schreier, Holger Ziekow Supporting Quality Assessment in Manufacturing by Machine Learning : First Results of PREFERML Project
Qiushi Cao, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Ahmed Samet, Francois Bertrand de Beuvron, Christoph Reich Using Rule Quality Measures for Rule Base Refinement in Knowledge-based Predictive Maintenance Systems


Timo Bayer, Lothar Mödel, Christoph Reich A Fog-Cloud Computing Infrastructure for Condition Monitoring and Distributing Industry 4.0 Services
Mario Nolte, Monika Kaczmarek-Heß, Andreas Fritsch, Stefanie Betz A Hierarchy of DSMLs in Support of Product Life-Cycle Assessment
Hans-Georg Enkler, Leonard Sporleder Agile Product Development—coupling explorative and established CAx methods in Early Stages of Virtual Product Development
Saad Alqahtany, Nathan L. Clarke, Steven Furnell, Christoph Reich An Evaluation of a Cloud-based Forensic Acquisition and Analysis System (Cloud FAAS)
Qiushi Cao, Ahmed Samet, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Francois Bertrand de Beuvron, Christoph Reich An Ontology-based Approach for Failure Classification in Predictive Maintenance Using Fuzzy C-means and SWRL Rules
Matthias Lermer, Christoph Reich Creation of Digital Twins by Combining Fuzzy Rules with Artificial Neural Networks
Leticia Duboc, Stefanie Betz, Birgit Penzenstadler, Sedef A. Kocak, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Ola Leifler, Jari Porras, Norbert Seyff, Colin C. Venters Do we Really Know What we are Building? Raising Awareness of Potential Sustainability Effects of Software Systems in Requirements Engineering
Jan Stodt, Eugen Jastremskoj, Christoph Reich, Dominik Welte, Axel Sikora Formal Description of Use Cases for Industry 4.0 Maintenance Processes Using Blockchain Technology
Pnina Soffer, Annika Hinze, Agnes Koschmider, Holger Ziekow, Claudio Di Ciccio, Boris Koldehofe, Oliver Kopp, Arno Jacobsen, Jan Sürmeli, Wei Song From event streams to process models and back: Challenges and opportunities
Christian Reser, Christoph Reich Grinding Burn Prediction with Artificial Neural Networks based on Grinding Parameters
Christoph Reich, Ahmed Samet Halfback Project: The Use of Machine Learning to Achieve High-Availability in Production
Holger Ziekow, Annika Hinze, Judy Bowen Managing Application-level QoS for IoT Stream Queries in Hazardous Outdoor Environments
Hendrik Kuijs, Timo Bayer, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke Privacy Enhancing Data Access Control for Ambient Assisted Living
Holger Ziekow, Ulf Schreier, Alaa Saleh, Christof Rudolph, Katharina Ketterer, Daniel Grozinger, Alexander Gerling Proactive Error Prevention in Manufacturing Based on an Adaptable Machine Learning Environment
Holger Gantikow, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke Rule-based Security Monitoring of Containerized Workloads
Kevin Wallis, Fabian Schillinger, Christoph Reich, Christian Schindelhauer Safeguarding Data Integrity by Cluster-Based Data Validation Network
Qiushi Cao, Franco Giustozzi, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Francois Bertrand de Beuvron, Christoph Reich Smart Condition Monitoring for Industry 4.0 Manufacturing Processes: An Ontology-Based Approach
Fabian Fagerholm, Christoph Becker, Alexander Chatzigeorgiou, Stefanie Betz, Leticia Duboc, Birgit Penzenstadler, Rahul Mohanani, Colin C. Venters Temporal Discounting in Software Engineering: A Replication Study
Oleh Bodunov, Vincenzo Gulisano, Hannaneh Najdataei, Zbigniew Jerzak, Andre Martin, Pavel Smirnov, Martin Strohbach, Holger Ziekow The DEBS 2019 Grand Challenge
Qiushi Cao, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Christoph Reich Towards a Core Ontology for Condition Monitoring


Dirk Hölscher, Timo Bayer, Philipp Ruf, Christoph Reich, Frank Gut A Big Data Quality Preprocessing and Domain Analysis Provisioner Framework Using Cloud Infrastructures
Kevin Wallis, Marc Merzinger, Christoph Reich, Christian Schindelhauer A Security Model based Authorization Concept for OPC Unified Architecture
Kevin Wallis, Marc Hüffmeyer, Ayhan S. Koca, Christoph Reich Access Rules Enhanced by Dynamic IIoT Context
Marc Hüffmeyer, Florian Haupt, Frank Leymann, Ulf Schreier Authorization-aware HATEOAS
Norbert Seyff, Stefanie Betz, Iris Groher, Melanie Stade, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Leticia Duboc, Birgit Penzenstadler, Colin C. Venters, Christoph Becker Crowd-Focused Semi-Automated Requirements Engineering for Evolution Towards Sustainability
Hans-Georg Enkler, Leonard Sporleder Development Approach for a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) through Prototype Tooling
Tobias Straub, Ulf Schreier Distributed Access Control for the Internet of Things
Qiushi Cao, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Christoph Reich Ontologies for Manufacturing Process Modeling: A Survey
Matthias Lermer, Hendrik Kuijs, Christoph Reich Optimizing Mixed Fuzzy-Rule Formation by Controlled Evolutionary Strategy
Hans-Georg Enkler, Leonard Sporleder Profiting from Model Based Design (MBD) Even in Case of Lacking Input Data
Michael Klafft, Holger Ziekow Requirements Engineering for and assessment of a VR-based training application for small and medium-sized disaster management agencies
Marc Hüffmeyer, Pascal Hirmer, Bernhard Mitschang, Ulf Schreier, Matthias Wieland Situation-Aware Access Control for Industrie 4.0
Birgit Penzenstadler, Leticia Duboc, Colin C. Venters, Stefanie Betz, Norbert Seyff, Krzsztof Wnuk, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Steve M. Easterbrook, Christoph Becker Software Engineering for Sustainability: Find the Leverage Points!
Norbert Seyff, Stefanie Betz, Leticia Duboc, Colin C. Venters, Christoph Becker, Ruzanna Chitchyan, Birgit Penzenstadler, Markus Nöbauer Tailoring Requirements Negotiation to Sustainability
Marianne Andres, Kay-Uwe Zimmermann, Holger Ziekow Test-Setup zur Beobachtung und Aufzeichnung von VR-Usability-Tests
Vincenzo Gulisano, Zbigniew Jerzak, Pavel Smirnov, Martin Strohbach, Holger Ziekow, Dimitris Zissis The DEBS 2018 Grand Challenge
Qiushi Cao, Cecilia Zanni-Merk, Christoph Reich Towards an Ontological Representation of Condition Monitoring Knowledge in the Manufacturing Domain
Marianne Andres, Holger Ziekow, Kay-Uwe Zimmermann, Selina Campinar Visualizing Business Process Models on Virtual Reality Screens


Saad Alqahtany, Nathan Clarke, Steven Furnell, Christoph Reich A Forensic Acquisition Based upon A Cluster Analysis of Non-Volatile Memory in IaaS
Kevin Wallis, Florian Kemmer, Eugen Jastremskoj, Christoph Reich Adaption of a Privilege Management Infrastructure (PMI) Approach to Industry 4.0
Hans-Georg Enkler, Leonard Sporleder An approach for generating patient specific exoskeletons—seamless process chain for bionic lightweight design including 3d scanning, topology optimisation, polyNURBS modelling and AM
Christoph Reich, Hendrik Kuijs, Kevin Wallis, Timo Bayer Architektur zum Schutz der Privatsphäre in AAL-Systemen
Manuel Fritz, Simon Albrecht, Holger Ziekow, Jens Strüker Benchmarking Big Data Technologies for Energy Procurement Efficiency
Christoph Reich, Thomas Rübsamen Delegated Audit of Cloud Provider Chains Using Provider Provisioned Mobile Evidence Collection
Christoph Reich Industry 4.0 and Cloud Computing
Philipp Montesano, Marc Hüffmeyer, Ulf Schreier Outsourcing Access Control for a Dynamic Access Configuration of IoT Services
Dada O. Aborisade, Christoph Reich, Adesina S. Sodiya, Adio T. Akinwale, Biodun S. Badmus Resolving DRDoS Attack in Cloud Database Service Using Common Source IP and Incremental Replacement Strategy
Timo Bayer, Christoph Reich Security of Mobile Agents in Distributed Java Agent Development Framework (JADE) Platforms
Marc Hüffmeyer, Pascal Hirmer, Bernhard Mitschang, Ulf Schreier, Matthias Wieland SitAC – A System for Situation-aware Access Control - Controlling Access to Sensor Data
Florian Kemmer, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke Software Defined Privacy
Simon Albrecht, Manuel Fritz, Jens Strüker, Holger Ziekow Targeting customers for an optimized energy procurement
Vincenzo Gulisano, Zbigniew Jerzak, Roman Katerinenko, Martin Strohbach, Holger Ziekow The DEBS 2017 Grand Challenge
Michael Klafft, Holger Ziekow Use Cases for Virtual Reality Applications in Emergency Operation Centers (EOC)


Saed Imran, Martin Buchheit, Bernhard Hollunder, Ulf Schreier A Course on Tool Based Software Engineering: The Students' Perspective
Saad Alqahtany, Nathan Clarke, Steven Furnell, Christoph Reich A Forensic Acquisition and Analysis System for IaaS: Architectural Model and Experiment
Hendrik Kuijs, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke A Scalable Architecture for Distributed OSGi in the Cloud
Saad Alqahtany, Nathan Clarke, Steven Furnell, Christoph Reich A forensic acquisition and analysis system for IaaS
Marc Hüffmeyer, Ulf Schreier Analysis of an Access Control System for RESTful Services
Dada O. Aborisade, Christoph Reich, Adesina S. Sodiya, Adio T. Akinwale Call Response Rate as Baseline for Detecting DRDoS Attack in Cloud Database Service
Abdulwahid Al Abdulwahid, Nathan Clarke, Ingo Stengel, Steven Furnell, Christoph Reich Continuous and transparent multimodal authentication: reviewing the state of the art
Alessandro Leonardi, Holger Ziekow, Martin Strohbach, Panayotis Kikiras Dealing with Data Quality in Smart Home Environments — Lessons Learned from a Smart Grid Pilot
Marc Hüffmeyer, Ulf Schreier Designing Efficient XACML Policies for RESTful Services
Thomas Rübsamen, Christoph Reich, Nathan Clarke, Martin Knahl Evidence Collection in Cloud Provider Chains
Marc Hüffmeyer, Ulf Schreier Formal Comparison of an Attribute Based Access Control Language for RESTful Services with XACML
Matthias Lermer, Stefan Frey, Christoph Reich Machine Learning in Cloud Environments Considering External Information
Holger Gantikow, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke Providing Security in Container-Based HPC Runtime Environments
Marc Hüffmeyer, Ulf Schreier RestACL - An Attribute Based Access Control Language for RESTful Services
Kevin Wallis, Christoph Reich Secure Zero Configuration of IoT Devices - A survey
Florian Kemmer, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke Software Defined Privacy
Vincenzo Gulisano, Zbigniew Jerzak, Spyros Voulgaris, Holger Ziekow The DEBS 2016 Grand Challenge
Marc-David Hausmann, Holger Ziekow The Potential of Household Specific Feature Selection for Analysing Smart Home Time-Series Data
Thomas Rübsamen, Dirk Hölscher, Christoph Reich Towards Auditing of Cloud Provider Chains Using CloudTrust Protocol


Hendrik Kuijs, Carina Rosencrantz, Christoph Reich A Context-aware, Intelligent and Flexible Ambient Assisted Living Platform Architecture
Abdulwahid Al Abdulwahid, Nathan Clarke, Ingo Stengel, Steven Furnell, Christoph Reich A Survey of Continuous and Transparent Multibiometric Authentication Systems
Holger Gantikow, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke A Taxonomy for HPC-aware Cloud Computing
Marc Hüffmeyer, Ulf Schreier An Attribute Based Access Control Model for RESTful Services
Saad Alqahtany, Nathan Clarke, Steven Furnell, Christoph Reich Cloud Forensics: A Review of Challenges, Solutions and Open Problems
Stefan Frey, Simon Disch, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke Cloud Storage Prediction with Neural Networks
Tomi Hasan, Panayotis Kikiras, Alessandro Leonardi, Holger Ziekow, Jörg Daubert Cloud-based IoT Analytics for the Smart Grid: Experiences from a 3-year Pilot
Tomi Hasan, Panayotis Kikiras, Alessandro Leonardi, Holger Ziekow, Jörg Daubert Cloud-based IoT Analytics for the Smart Grid: Experiences from a 3-year Pilot
Holger Gantikow, Sebastian Klingberg, Christoph Reich Container-based Virtualization for HPC
Marc Hüffmeyer, Ulf Schreier Efficient Attribute Based Access Control for RESTful Services
Carina Rosencrantz, Hendrik Kuijs, Christoph Reich Entwicklung einer Informations- und Kommunikationsplattform für ältere Menschen
Siani Pearson, Jesus Luna, Christoph Reich Improving Cloud Assurance and Transparency through Accountability Mechanisms
Florian Kemmer, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke Requirements Analysis for Privacy-protecting Solutions
Thomas Rübsamen, Tobias Pulls, Christoph Reich Secure Evidence Collection and Storage for Cloud Accountability Audits
Abdulwahid Al Abdulwahid, Nathan Clarke, Ingo Stengel, Steven Furnell, Christoph Reich Security, Privacy and Usability - A Survey of Users' Perceptions and Attitudes
Abdulwahid Al Abdulwahid, Nathan Clarke, Ingo Stengel, Steven Furnell, Christoph Reich The Current Use of Authentication Technologies: An Investigative Review
Zbigniew Jerzak, Holger Ziekow The DEBS 2015 Grand Challenge
Saed Imran, Martin Buchheit, Bernhard Hollunder, Ulf Schreier Tool Chains in Agile ALM Environments: A Short Introduction
Hendrik Kuijs, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke Towards privacy for ambient assisted living in a hybrid cloud environment


Nick Papanikolaou, Thomas Rübsamen, Christoph Reich A Simulation Framework to Model Accountability Controls for Cloud Computing
Saad Alqahtany, Nathan Clarke, Steven Furnell, Christoph Reich A forensically-enabled IAAS cloud computing architecture
Philipp Ruf, Thomas Rübsamen, Christoph Reich Agent-Based Evidence Collection in Cloud Computing
Hendrik Kuijs, Christoph Reich An Ambient Assisted Living Platform as a Service Architecture for Context Aware Applications and Services
Thomas Rübsamen, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke An Architecture for Cloud Accountability Audits
Carina Fredrich, Hendrik Kuijs, Christoph Reich An Ontology for User Profile Modelling in the Field of Ambient Assisted Living
Stefan Frey, Claudia Lüthje, Christoph Reich Autonomic Service Level Agreement Management as a Service
Carina Fredrich, Hendrik Kuijs, Christoph Reich Benutzerzentrierte Ontologie im Bereich Ambient Assisted Living
Carina Rosencrantz, Christoph Reich Big Data improving Ambient Assisted Living Solutions
Stefan Frey, Claudia Lüthje, Christoph Reich, Nathan Clarke Cloud QoS Scaling by Fuzzy Logic
Sururah A. Bello, Claudia Lüthje, Christoph Reich Cloud Resource Price System


Stefan Frey, Claudia Lüthje, Ralf Teckelmann, Christoph Reich Adaptable Service Level Objective Agreement (A-SLO-A) for Cloud Services
Frank Dölitzscher, Martin Knahl, Christoph Reich, Nathan Clarke Anomaly Detection in IaaS Clouds
Thomas Rübsamen, Christoph Reich Cloud Audits and Privacy Risks
Sururah A. Bello, Christoph Reich Cloud Utility Price Models
Stefan Frey, Claudia Lüthje, Vitali Huwwa, Christoph Reich Fuzzy Controled QoS for Scalable Cloud Computing Services
Stefan Frey, Claudia Lüthje, Christoph Reich Key Performance Indicators for Cloud Computing SLAs
Thomas Rübsamen, Julia Bayer, Christoph Reich Mobile Device Biometric Touch Gesture Information Used to Give User Identity Evidence
Frank Dölitzscher, Thomas Rübsamen, Tina Karbe, Martin Knahl, Christoph Reich, Nathan Clarke Sun Behind Clouds - On Automatic Cloud Security Audits and a Cloud Audit Policy Language
Thomas Rübsamen, Christoph Reich Supporting Cloud Accountability by Collecting Evidence Using Audit Agents


Siani Pearson, Vasilis Tountopoulos, Daniele Catteddu, Mario Südholt, Refik Molva, Christoph Reich, Simone Fischer-Hübner, Christopher Millard, Volkmar Lotz, Martin G. Jaatun, Ronald Leenes, Chunming Rong, Javier Lopez Accountability for Cloud and Other Future Internet Services
Frank Dölitzscher, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Alexander Passfall, Nathan Clarke An agent based business aware incident detection system for cloud environments
Christoph Reich, Sandra Hübner, Hendrik Kuijs Cloud Computing for On-Demand Virtual Desktops and Labs
Thomas Rübsamen, Christoph Reich Enhancing Mobile Device Security by Security Level Integration in a Cloud Proxy
Fabian Weber, Marcel Daneck, Christoph Reich Optimization of Proxy Caches Using Proxy Filters
Christoph Reich, Thomas Rübsamen Shibboleth Web-Proxy for Single Sign-On of Cloud Services
Frank Dölitzscher, Thomas Rübsamen, Christoph Reich Towards a Domain Specific Security Policy Language for Automatic Audit of Virtual Machine Images
Frank Dölitzscher, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke Understanding Cloud Audits
Frank Dölitzscher, Christian Fischer, Denis Moskal, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke Validating Cloud Infrastructure Changes by Cloud Audits


Ralf Teckelmann, Anthony Sulistio, Christoph Reich A Taxonomy of Interoperability for IaaS
Anthony Sulistio, Udo Hönig, Christoph Reich, Wolfram Schiffmann Adaptive Workflow Scheduler with Advanced Reservation in Economic Grid Systems
Frank Dölitzscher, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke An Autonomous Agent Based Incident Detection System for Cloud Environments
Anthony Sulistio, Frank Dölitzscher, Christoph Reich Automated Virtual Machine Creation With On-Demand Software Installation
Frank Dölitzscher, Christoph Reich, Martin Knahl, Nathan Clarke Incident Detection for Cloud Environments
Ralf Teckelmann, Christoph Reich, Anthony Sulistio Mapping of Cloud Standards to the Taxonomy of Interoperability in IaaS
Sebastian Garwers, Anthony Sulistio, Christoph Reich OSPaaS: OSGi Service Platform as a Service
Frank Dölitzscher, Anthony Sulistio, Christoph Reich, Hendrik Kuijs, David Wolf Private cloud for collaboration and e-Learning services: from IaaS to SaaS
Mathias Ardelt, Frank Dölitzscher, Martin Knahl, Christoph Reich Sicherheitsprobleme für IT-Outsourcing durch Cloud Computing
Frank Dölitzscher, Markus Held, Christoph Reich, Anthony Sulistio ViteraaS: Virtual Cluster as a Service


Christoph Reich, Hendrik Kuijs, David Schröpfer CollaboCloud - Kollaborationsplattform in der Cloud
Frank Dölitzscher, Christoph Reich, Anthony Sulistio Designing Cloud Services Adhering to Government Privacy Laws


Anthony Sulistio, Christoph Reich, Frank Dölitzscher Cloud Infrastructure & Applications – CloudIA
Bernhard Hollunder Domain-Specific Processing of Policies or: WS-Policy Intersection Revisited
F. Westphal, Anthony Sulistio, Christoph Reich Evaluating I/O Isolation of Virtual Machines in OpenVZ
Pascal Bolzhauser, Anthony Sulistio, Gerhard Angst, Christoph Reich Parallelized Critical Path Search in Electrical Circuit Designs
Thomas Schoene, Friedbert Kaspar, Christoph Reich Using WSDM and Web Service Ping for QoS based Web Service Selection
Bernhard Hollunder WS-Policy: On Conditional and Custom Assertions