KISS / Data Management
Artificial intelligence service and systems
Artificial intelligence service and systems
Technology identification, interface management and knowledge transfer for the further development of nursing practice
This project is about obtaining environmental information based on location and context
Development of a universal and modular camera platform with high image resolution and frame rate for dental and medical applications.
Simulation, data analysis and artificial intelligence for the medical technology sector
Development of new visual aids to compensate for the loss of ability in older people to adapt to near vision (presbyopia).
AI-supported systematisation of age images in central lifeworlds
Standardised small-scale biogas plants for the fermentation of pig manure with integrated methane enrichment, digestate and wastewater treatment and N-recovery
Digital analysis of surface characteristics to support wheelchair users
The metabolic differences between compensatory cell proliferation and ongoing apoptosis
Blockchain for Protecting Security and Sustainability for Digital Twins using Digital Passport
Education and support concepts for those with complex care needs
Connected Health in Medical Mountains: Furtwangen University's innovation and transfer partnership
Development of innovative DLP-printed grinding tools with varying and workpiece-specific adjustable grit sizes
Transfer and implementation of digital sound interventions for those with dementia
Catheter with “feeling”
Training and qualification initiatives for recording and evaluating large volumes of data
Digital master craftsperson for quality assessment
Support for digital transformation
(Early) detection and personalisation of autism spectrum disorder therapy for prevention
Holistic development of drive systems for light electric commercial vehicles with fuel cells (FC-driveSys)
Innovative plasma technology for HFC-emission-free fluorine processing
F.I.T. promotes prospective female computer scientists, engineers and natural scientists
Optical bandpass filter for use in thermal detectors, spectrometers and imaging
Dementia research - care and contact-free periods
The future of 3D body scanning in orthotics
Intelligent user interfaces for adaptive control centre systems in public transport
AI-supported assistance for hybrid interaction for home care
Interactive AI assistance for control in discharge and transfer management
Hybrid AI system for delirium prediction to relieve the burden on nursing practice
Artificial Intelligence Mountains Labs
Interactive training at home for people with dementia
Psychological difficulties in times of crisis-related environmental changes
Sustainable strategies for laundry hygiene
Virtual reality training platform for surgical assistants
Innovative technologies for informal caregivers and care communities
Innovative technology for fast and reliable diagnosis of infectious diseases
Development and establishment of a high-throughput test system for tumor therapeutics
Explainable quality assurance and diagnostics in manufacturing processes
Research Institutes
Project duration
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