Board of Executives

to Why HFU

The Board of Executives manages the University.

The Board of Executives consists of the following members:

  • the President
  • the Vice-Presidents
  • the Head of Administration       


The President represents the University. He is the chairman of the Board of Executives, the Senate and its committees. The President's term of office is six years. He or she is elected by the Board of Governors in agreement with the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Education.


The Vice-Presidents are the President's deputies and are responsible for specific portfolios. The term of office for a Vice-President is three years. They are elected by the Senate upon the recommendation of the President.

Head of Administration

The Head of Administration is responsible for finances and personnel administration. He or she is also the university's official representative in all budget-related matters. She is elected by the Board of Governors and the Senate.

Our executive team


Dr. Alexandra Bormann

Vice-President, Academics and Diversity

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Georg Enkler

Vice-President, Research and Sustainability

Prof. Dr. Christoph Reich

Vice-President, Partnership and Society

Prof. Dr. hum. biol. Ulrike Salat

Head of Administration

Andrea Linke

Assistants to the President

Christine Papke

Vera Sedelmeyer

Ute Beitlich

Assistant to the Board of Executives

Thorsten Schelling

Legal Office

Birgit Huber