
Lecture on the Latest Developments in Artificial Intelligence

to HFU News

"Best Practices" lecture series of the Executive MBA Programme

The HFU Business School at Furtwangen University is delighted to invite you to an exciting and highly topical lecture as part of the "Best Practices" lecture series of the Executive MBA Programme.
The topic, which is increasingly relevant, is:

"The current most relevant developments in the field of Generative AI"

Date: 19 July, 2024
Time: 5.30pm
Location: Schwenningen Campus, Room E 0.04

Following the lecture, you are warmly invited to join us for a discussion over a buffet. The event will be conducted in English and will last approximately one hour.

Our speaker, Maks Giordano, is an experienced digital strategist and innovation specialist. He has collaborated with renowned brands such as Apple, Lego, and BMW, and will provide practical insights into the latest developments in the field of Generative AI and their impact on businesses and society.

The lecture will cover several key topics:

  • Current developments and challenges in the field of Generative AI
  • Practical applications and strategies for leveraging these technologies in business
  • The implications of exponential changes in data, AI, cloud computing, sensor technology, and robotics
  • The transition from AI to AGI (Artificial General Intelligence)

Maks Giordano has had an impressive career, starting in the 1990s at ID Media AG and working on projects like the launch of the Volkswagen New Beetle. He has served as Chief Digital Officer at MetaDesign AG and founded the Iconmobile Group and the innovation studios "Nunatak" and "kreait." As a juror for the Lovies and Webby Awards, he brings extensive expertise in digital transformation.

The Executive MBA at HFU Business School, which celebrated its twentieth anniversary last year, begins each summer semester. The next programme starts in March 2025, with the application deadline on 15 January, 2025. More information is available at www.executive-mba.hs.furtwangen.de or by email at regina.feketics(at)hs-furtwangen.de.

External link opens in a new window:Here you can sign up for the event

We warmly invite all interested parties, including potential MBA applicants and those interested in artificial intelligence, to attend this special event. Take the opportunity to engage in conversation with the speaker and current participants over the buffet and gain firsthand insights into the quality of our programme.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Schwenningen campus.

  • Date:
  • Time:
  • Location: Schwenningen Campus