
DigNest Spring School 2024 in Montenegro

to HFU News

HFU promote international cooperation and knowledge exchange in the field of digital technologies

Recently, researchers from the IDACUS Institute participated in the DigNest Spring School 2024, which took place from 9-11 May, 2024 in Bar, Montenegro, as part of the DigNest project. The DigNest Summer School 2024 in Bar, Montenegro, brought together students and academics to explore topics related to digital technology and computer science.

Professor Dr. Christoph Reich gave a lecture on "IT Security and Blockchain" to the participants. Manav Madan, a researcher from the same institute, presented an "Introduction to AI and ML" during the three-day event. The summer school was an excellent forum to teach participants the basics of IT security, blockchain, AI and machine learning. The interaction between experts and students on the latest developments in these rapidly evolving fields was highly enriching for all involved.

The university's participation in DigNest Spring School 2024 underlines its commitment to promoting international cooperation and knowledge exchange in the field of digital technologies).