Further information

Curriculum Vitae

Field of research and / or teaching

Ausgewählte aktuelle Projekte

  • Lösungsansätze für die Mustererkennung kleiner Moleküle bei der Translokation durch Nanoporen. Teilvorhaben: Entwicklung und Optimierung eines Nanopor-Assays mit dazugehöriger Datenanalytik gefördert durch BMBF
  • Development of hybrid plastic sorbents based on a sorption database (HyPlastDB)
    gefördert durch invest BW
  • Transkriptom-Analyse des Metabolismus von FSHD Mitochondrien unter Berücksichtigung einer asymmetrischen Muskelbeteiligung zur Identifikation neuer potenzieller Therapieansätze
    gefördert durch Deutsche Gesellschaft für Muskelkranke (e.V.)
  • Muskelverspannungen messen?
    gefördert durch Innovative Projekte MWK Baden-Württemberg
  • Funktionelle Lateral-Flow Arrays zur Identifizierung multiresistenter Keime (FlowArray)
    gefördert durch BMBF (FHprofUnt)


     distr: R packages for probability distributions
     RobASt: R packages for robust statistical procedures
     ReadqPCR: Read qPCR data
     NormqPCR: Functions for normalisation of RT-qPCR data
     RFLPtools: Tools to analyze RFLP data
     MK* Pakete auf GitHub
     mpe: Multiple Primary Endpoints

vgl. https://www.stamats.de/projekte/


  • Statistisches (maschinelles) Lernen
  • Robuste Statistik
  • Computergestützte Statistik (R Software)
  • Biostatistik und statistische Bioinformatik
  • Analyse von Omics-Daten (Bioconductor)
  • Personalisierte Medizin / Precision Medicine


Field of work

Frühere Tätigkeiten

  • Prodekan für Lehre der Fakultät Medical and Life Sciences (Hochschule Furtwangen)
  • Studiendekan des englischsprachigen Masterstudiengangs „Precision Medicine Diagnostics (M.Sc.)“ (früher: „Medical Diagnostic Technologies (M.Sc.)“) an der Hochschule Furtwangen
  • Gründungsvorstand und Leiter des Institute of Precision Medicine an der Hochschule Furtwangen
  • Lehrbeauftragter an der Universität Freiburg im Rahmen des Internationalen Masters in Biomedical Sciences (IMBS)
  • Leitender Biometriker (Paul-Martini-Clinical Sepsis Research Unit, Universitätsklinikum Jena)
  • Akademischer Rat a.Z. (Lehrstuhl für Stochastik, Universität Bayreuth)
  • Professor für Mathematische Statistik (Vertretungsprofessur, Universität Bayreuth)
  • Head of Biostatistics (SIRS-Lab GmbH, Jena)
  • Statistische und Mathematische Beratung (Freiberufler)
  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (Lehrstuhl für Mathematische Statistik, Universität Bayreuth)



Kohl, Matthias

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004


Johanna Dabernig-Heinz, Mara Lohde, Martin Hölzer, Adriana Cabal, Rick Conzemius, Christian Brandt, Matthias Kohl, Sven Halbedel, Patrick Hyden, Martin A. Fischer, Ariane Pietzka, Beatriz Daza, Evgeny A. Idelevich, Anna Stöger, Karsten Becker, Stephan Fuchs, Werner Ruppitsch, Ivo Steinmetz, Christian Kohler, Gabriel E. Wagner A multicenter study on accuracy and reproducibility of nanopore sequencing-based genotyping of bacterial pathogens
Jan Vagedes, Benedikt M. Huber, Mohammad Oli Al Islam, Katrin Vagedes, Matthias Kohl, Tido von Schoen-Angerer Antibiotic Use in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Practicing Integrative Medicine — A Retrospective Analysis
Weronika Schary, Florian Brockmann, Jonathan Simantzik, Filip Paskali, Matthias Kohl Big Data and Health Analytics explained
Matthias Kohl Comment on: Cytokines (IL1β, IL6, TNFα) and serum cortisol levels may not constitute reliable biomarkers to identify individuals with post-acute sequelae of COVID-19
Fabian Springer, Marian Freisleben, Sebastian Muschik, Matthias Kohl, Franz Worek, Lorenz Meinel, Thomas Seeger, Karin V. Niessen Development of a Scintillation Proximity Assay for [3H]epibatidine binding sites of Tetronarce californica muscle-type nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
Lars Saemann, Sven Maier, Matthias Kohl, Andreas Simm, Gabor Szabo Durable versus Temporary Left-Ventricular Assist Devices versus Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Bridging to Orthotopic Heart Transplantation : A Meta-Analysis
Katrin Vagedes, Silja Kuderer, Rainer Ehmann, Matthias Kohl, Johannes Wildhaber, Rudolf A. Jörres, Jan Vagedes Effect of Buteyko breathing technique on clinical and functional parameters in adult patients with asthma: a randomized, controlled study
Y. H. Le, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler Effectiveness and Safety of Whole-Body Electromyostimulation on Musculoskeletal Diseases in Middle Aged-Older Adults – A Systematic Review
Sebastian Willert, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler Effects of Whole-Body Electromyostimulation and Lifestyle Modifications on the Metabolic Syndrome in Premenopausal Overweight Women. A Randomized Controlled Trial
Stephanie Kast, Wolfgang Kemmler, Frank W. Römer, Matthias Kohl, Adam G. Culvenor, Ali Mobasheri, Michael Uder, Simon von Stengel Effects of Whole-body Electromyostimulation on knee pain and physical function in adults with symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial
Kaja Kircher, Oliver Chaudry, Armin M. Nagel, Mansour Ghasemikaram, Michael Uder, Franz Jakob, Matthias Kohl, Wolfgang Kemmler, Klaus Engelke Effects of high-intensity training on fatty infiltration in paraspinal muscles in elderly males with osteosarcopenia – the randomized controlled FrOST study
Wolfgang Kemmler, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Sebastian Willert, Stephanie Kast, Michael Uder Effects of whole-body electromyostimulation with different impulse intensity on blood pressure changes in hyper- and normotensive overweight people. A pilot study
Sara Kaiser, Daniel Schoene, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Franz Jakob, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Uwe Lange, Friederike Thomasius, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler Efficacy of Physical Activity and Exercise added to Pharmaceutic Therapy with Denosumab, Romosozumab, Abaloparatide, or Teriparatide in Patients with Osteopenia
André Giesbrecht, Christian Klüß, Gerdy Debeuckelaere, Maria A. Bruno, Folker Wenzel, Matthias Kohl, Filip De Somer, Adrian Bauer Evaluation of university and training standards in clinical perfusion, a European-wide survey
Jose Cordoba-Caballero, James R. Perkins, Federico Garcia-Criado, Diana Gallego, Alicia Navarro-Sanchez, Mireia Moreno-Estelles, Concepcion Garces, Fernando Bonet, Carlos Roma-Mateo, Rocio Toro, Belen Perez, Pascual Sanz, Matthias Kohl, Elena Rojano, Pedro Seoane, Juan A. Ranea Exploring miRNA–target gene pair detection in disease with coRmiT
Thilo O. Kromer, Matthias Kohl, Caroline H. Bastiaenen Factors predicting long-term outcomes following physiotherapy in patients with subacromial pain syndrome : a secondary analysis
Teresa Schätzl, Vanessa Todorow, Lars Kaiser, Helga Weinschrott, Benedikt Schoser, Hans-Peter Deigner, Peter Meinke, Matthias Kohl Meta-analysis towards FSHD reveals misregulation of neuromuscular junction, nuclear envelope, and spliceosome
Miriam Beier, Daniel Schoene, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler Non-Athletic Cohorts Enrolled in Longitudinal Whole-Body Electromyostimulation Trials — An Evidence Map
Yen Hai Le, Daniel Schoene, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler Outcomes Addressed by Longitudinal Whole-Body Electromyostimulation and Belt Electrode-Skeletal Muscle Electrical Stimulation Trials in Middle Aged-Older Adults - an Evidence Map
Matthias Bollinger, Stefan Bushuven, Michael Bentele, Stefanie Bentele, Slatomir Wenske, David Goertz, Alexander D. Shapeton, Matthias Kohl, Patrick Tralls, Bernhard Kumle Preparedness of German emergency departments for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) incidents
Isabel Quint, Jonathan Simantzik, Lars Kaiser, Stefan Laufer, Rene Csuk, David Smith, Matthias Kohl, Hans-Peter Deigner Ready-to-use nanopore platform for label-free small molecule quantification: Ethanolamine as first example
Simon Mayer, Felix Fuchs, Gernot Hipp, Ulrich F. Franke, Matthias Kohl, Folker Wenzel, Christian Wunder, Magdalena Rufa Relationship between Low Oxygen Delivery during Extracorporeal Circulation and Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury after Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery
Simon von Stengel, Michael Fröhlich, Oliver Ludwig, Christoph Eifler, Joshua Berger, Heinz Kleinöder, Florian Micke, Bernd Wegener, C. Zinner, Frank C. Mooren, Marc Teschler, Andre Filipovic, S. Müller, K. England, J. Vatter, S. Authenrieth, Matthias Kohl, Wolfgang Kemmler Revised contraindications for the use of non-medical WB-electromyostimulation. Evidence-based German consensus recommendations
Matthias Kohl, Frank Münch Statistik Teil 10 : Wichtige Tests für nominale Merkmale
Matthias Kohl Statistik Teil 11 : Analyse der Überlebenszeit
Matthias Kohl, Frank Münch Statistik Teil 9: Die 1-Weg ANOVA
B. Kelmendi, Stephanie Kast, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, F. W. Roemer, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler, Robert Kob The Effect of Whole-Body Electromyostimulation on Inflammatory Biomarkers and Adipokines in Overweight to Obese Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis : a Randomized Controlled Study


Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Franz Jakob, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Uwe Lange, Stefan Peters, Friederike Thomasius, Michael Uder, Mahdieh Shojaa, Wolfgang Kemmler (Trainings-)Methodische Empfehlungen eines körperlichen Trainings zur Verbesserung der Knochenfestigkeit
Cecile Fischer, Franz Jakob, Matthias Kohl, Stephanie Kast, Simon von Stengel, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Uwe Lange, Friederike Thomasius, Stefan Peters, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler Additive Effects of Exercise and Vitamin D Supplementation (with and without Calcium) on Bone Mineral Density in Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Leonard A. Jason, Uta Behrends, Svetlana Blitshteyn, Patrick Gerner, Bettina Grande, Tilman Grande, Sabine Hammer, Kathryn Hoffmann, Matthias Kohl, Herbert Renz-Polster, Carmen Scheibenbogen, Michael Stingl, Eva Untersmayr, Mark Vink, Francisco Westermeier, Brian M. Hughes Die Übersicht zur aktuellen Evidenz ignoriert die aktuelle Evidenz : Leserbrief
Matthias Bollinger, Nadja Frere, Alexander D. Shapeton, Weronika Schary, Matthias Kohl, Clemens Kill, Joachim Riße Does Prehospital Suspicion of Sepsis Shorten Time to Administration of Antibiotics in the Emergency Department? A Retrospective Study in One University Hospital
Kira Knauer, Oliver Chaudry, Michael Uder, Matthias Kohl, Wolfgang Kemmler, Sebastian Bickelhaupt, Klaus Engelke Effects of High-Intensity Resistance Training on Visceral Adipose Tissue and Abdominal Aortic Calcifications in Older Men with Osteosarcopenia – Results from the FrOST Study
Mahdieh Shojaa, Isabelle Hoffmann, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Clemens Becker, Markus Gosch, Franz Jakob, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Bernd Kladny, Uwe Lange, Stefan Peters, Daniel Schöne, Cornel Sieber, Friederike Thomasius, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler Effektivität eines körperlichen Trainings zur Reduktion niedrig-traumatischer und osteoporotischer Hauptfrakturen in Erwachsenen. Systematische Übersichtsarbeit und Meta-Analyse
Daniel Schoene, Michaela Gross, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Bernd Kladny, Markus Gosch, Cornel C. Sieber, Stefan Peters, Eva Kiesswetter, Clemens Becker, Wolfgang Kemmler Empfehlungen für ein körperliches Training zur Sturzprävention bei älteren, selbständig lebenden Menschen
Stephanie Kast, Franz Jakob, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Uwe Lange, Friederike Thomasius, Wolfgang Kemmler Exercise effects on glucocorticoid induced bone loss in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Ramin Mohebbi, Mahdieh Shojaa, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Franz Jakob, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Uwe Lange, Stefan Peters, Friederike Thomasius, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler Exercise training and bone mineral density in postmenopausal women: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies with emphasis on potential moderators
Matthias Bollinger, Nadja Frere, Matthias Kohl, Joachim Riße Frühe Erkennung der Sepsis : Führt der präklinisch geäußerte Verdacht einer Sepsis zur Verkürzung der Zeit bis zur Antibiotikagabe in der Notaufnahme?
Sophia Jungmann, Michael Hettchen, Matthias Kohl, Wolfgang Kemmler Impact of 3 months of detraining after high intensity exercise on menopause-related symptoms in early postmenopausal women – results of the randomized controlled actlife project
Sebastian Willert, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Franz Jakob, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Uwe Lange, Stefan Peters, Friederike Thomasius, Wolfgang Kemmler Körperliches Training und Frakturprävention. Trainingsinhaltliche Empfehlungen zur Verbesserung der Knochenfestigkeit
Mark Vink, Tilman Grande, Matthias Kohl Letter to the Editor Regarding Fleischer et al. Neurological Study Does Not Provide Any Evidence that Long COVID is Psychosomatic
Isabel Quint, Jonathan Simantzik, Lars Kaiser, Stefan Laufer, Rene Csuk, David Smith, Matthias Kohl, Hans-Peter Deigner Ready-to-use nanopore platform for ethanolamine quantification using an aptamer-based strand displacement assay
Gabriel E. Wagner, Johanna Dabernig-Heinz, Michaela Lipp, Adriana Cabal, Jonathan Simantzik, Matthias Kohl, Martina Scheiber, Sabine Lichtenegger, Ralf Ehricht, Eva Leitner, Werner Ruppitsch, Ivo Steinmetz Real-Time Nanopore Q20+ Sequencing Enables Extremely Fast and Accurate Core Genome MLST Typing and Democratizes Access to High-Resolution Bacterial Pathogen Surveillance
Filip Paskali, Jonathan Simantzik, Angela Dieterich, Matthias Kohl Specification of Neck Muscle Dysfunction through Digital Image Analysis Using Machine Learning
Matthias Kohl, Frank Münch Statistik Teil 5: Kontingenzkoeffizienten
Matthias Kohl, Frank Münch Statistik Teil 6: Methodenvergleiche
Matthias Kohl, Frank Münch Statistik Teil 7: Statistische Signifikanztests
Matthias Kohl, Frank Münch Statistik Teil 8: t-Tests und Alternativen
Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Franz Jakob, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Uwe Lange, Stefan Peters, Friederike Thomasius, Michael Uder, Michael Fröhlich, Daniel Schöne, Wolfgang Kemmler, Mahdieh Shojaa Stellenwert ausgewählter Trainingsprinzipien innerhalb eines körperlichen Trainings zur Frakturprophylaxe
Eileen Schinzel, Stephanie Kast, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Franz Jakob, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Bernd Kladny, Uwe Lange, Stefan Peters, Friederike Thomasius, Jürgen Clausen, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler The effect of aquatic exercise on bone mineral density in older adults. A systematic review and meta-analysis
Ramin Mohebbi, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Franz Jakob, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Uwe Lange, Stefan Peters, Daniel Schöne, Friederike Thomasius, Clemens Becker, Bernd Kladny, Wolfgang Kemmler Trainingsziele und Risikokategorisierung im Spannungsfeld körperliches Training und Frakturprophylaxe: Ansatzpunkte für individualisierte Trainingsprogramme
Simon von Stengel, Daniel Schöne, Matthias Kohl, Clemens Becker, Markus Gosch, Franz Jakob, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Bernd Kladny, Uwe Lange, Stefan Peters, Cornel Sieber, Friederike Thomasius, Michael Uder, Mahdieh Shojaa, Wolfgang Kemmler Zusammengefasste Empfehlungen für ein körperliches Training zur Frakturprophylaxe postmenopausaler Frauen und Männer 45 Jahre und älter


Lars Saemann, Sven Maier, Lisa Rösner, Matthias Kohl, Christine Schmucker, Christian Scherer, Georg Trummer, Friedhelm Beyersdorf, Christoph Benk A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis Investigating the Impact of Targeted Perfusion Parameters during Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Out-of-Hospital and Inhospital Cardiac Arrest
Axel Franz, Hacer Yapicioglu-Yildizdas, Erdal Taskin, Akan Yaman, Yalcin Celik, Huseyin Simsek, Serif Hamitoglu, Nesil Aydinol, Elif Keles, Matthias Keller, Manon Benders, Floris Groenendaal, Kim Anninck, Lena Hellström-Westas, Ola Saugstad, Neil Marlow, Hans-Peter Deigner, Matthias Kohl, Ron Meyer, Achim Plum, Carola Steins-Rang, Peter Bartmann Asphyxia Associated Metabolite Biomarker Investigation (AAMBI). Short-term clinical outcomes and at the age of 22 to 42 months
Weronika Schary, Filip Paskali, Jonathan Simantzik, Matthias Kohl Diagnose per Smartphone
Jan Vagedes, Silja Kuderer, Katrin Vagedes, Henrik Szöke, Matthias Kohl, Stefanie Joos, Florian Beissner, Ursula Wolf Do Chest Compresses with Mustard or Ginger Affect Warmth Regulation in Healthy Adults? A Randomized Controlled Trial
Silja Kuderer, Katrin Vagedes, Henrik Szöke, Matthias Kohl, Stefanie Joos, Peter W. Gündling, Jan Vagedes Do ginger footbaths improve symptoms of insomnia more than footbaths with warm water only? – A randomized controlled study
Fabienne Flessa, Wolfgang Babel, Alexander Kehl, Gerhard Rambold, Matthias Kohl Effect of sap-feeding insects, plant characteristics, and weather parameters on sooty moulds in the temperate zone
Stephanie Kast, Mahdieh Shojaa, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Markus Gosch, Franz Jakob, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Bernd Kladny, Nicole Klöckner, Uwe Lange, Stefan Middeldorf, Stefan Peters, Daniel Schoene, Cornel Sieber, Friederike Thomasius, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler Effects of different exercise intensity on bone mineral density in adults: a comparative systematic review and meta-analysis
Clara Born, Franz Jakob, Mahdieh Shojaa, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Uwe Lange, Friederike Thomasius, Wolfgang Kemmler Effects of hormone therapy and exercise on bone mineral density in healthy women – A systematic review and meta-analysis
Matthias Hettchen, Sebastian Willert, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Wolfgang Kemmler Effects of the “Spinomed active” orthosis on chronic back pain in kyphotic women with osteoporotic vertebral fractures three months and older: A randomized controlled study
Christopher Klotz, Franz Jakob, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Uwe Lange, Friederike Thomasius, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler Effekt von additivem körperlichem Training zur Bisphosphonat-Therapie auf die Knochendichte: Eine systematische Übersichtsarbeit und Meta-Analyse
Wolfgang Kemmler, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl Effekte körperlichen Trainings auf osteoporotische Hauptfrakturen bei Menschen in mittlerem-hohen Lebensalter. Eine systematische Übersicht und Meta-Analyse
Wolfgang Kemmler, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl Effekte unterschiedlicher Reizintensität auf den Knochenmineralgehalt bei Erwachsenen – systematischer Review und Meta-Analyse
Matthias Kohl Einführung in die statistische Datenanalyse mit R
Isabelle Hoffmann, Mahdieh Shojaa, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Clemens Becker, Markus Gosch, Franz Jakob, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Bernd Kladny, Jürgen Clausen, Uwe Lange, Stefan Middeldorf, Stefan Peters, Daniel Schoene, Cornel Sieber, Reina Tholen, Friederike Thomasius, Heike A. Bischoff-Ferrari, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler Exercise Reduces the Number of Overall and Major Osteoporotic Fractures in Adults. Does Supervision Make a Difference? Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Isabelle Hoffmann, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Franz Jakob, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Uwe Lange, Stefan Peters, Daniel Schoene, Cornel Sieber, Friederike Thomasius, Heike A. Bischoff-Ferrari, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler Exercise and the prevention of major osteoporotic fractures in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis with special emphasis on intensity progression and study duration
Matthias Kohl Introduction to statistical data analysis with R
Ahmed A. Salem, Kira Trares, Matthias Kohl, Eugene Jansen, Hermann Brenner, Ben Schöttker Long-term effects of smoking on serum concentrations of oxidative stress biomarkers: Results of a large, population-based cohort study
Weronika Schary, Filip Paskali, Simone Rentschler, Christoph Ruppert, Gabriel E. Wagner, Ivo Steinmetz, Hans-Peter Deigner, Matthias Kohl Open-Source, Adaptable, All-in-One Smartphone-Based System for Quantitative Analysis of Point-of-Care Diagnostics
Lars Saemann, Matthias Kohl, Gabor Veres, Sevil Korkmaz-Icöz, Anne Großkopf, Matthias Karck, Andreas Simm, Folker Wenzel, Gabor Szabo Prediction Model for Contractile Function of Circulatory Death Donor Hearts Based on Microvascular Flow Shifts During Ex Situ Hypothermic Cardioplegic Machine Perfusion
Matthias Bollinger, Petra Saile, Alexander D. Shapeton, Matthias Kohl, Bernhard Kumle Sensitivity of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 rapid antigen point-of-care tests in vaccinated patients
Filip Paskali, Angela Dieterich, Matthias Kohl Specification of neck muscle dysfunction through digital image analysis using machine learning
Matthias Kohl, Frank Münch Statistik Teil 1: Der Box- und Whisker-Plot
Matthias Kohl, Frank Münch Statistik Teil 2: Datenorganisation mit Tabellenkalkulationsprogrammen
Matthias Kohl, Frank Münch Statistik Teil 3: Konfidenzintervalle
Matthias Kohl, Frank Münch Statistik Teil 4: Korrelationen
Anna-Lena Zitzmann, Mahdieh Shojaa, Stephanie Kast, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Diana Borucki, Markus Gosch, Franz Jakob, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Bernd Kladny, Uwe Lange, Stefan Middeldorf, Stefan Peters, Daniel Schoene, Cornel Sieber, Friederike Thomasius, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler The effect of different training frequency on bone mineral density in older adults. A comparative systematic review and meta-analysis
Jan Vagedes, Silja Kuderer, Eduard Helmert, Katrin Vagedes, Matthias Kohl, Henrik Szöke, Florian Beissner, Stefanie Joos, Frank Andrasik The immediate effect of Sinapis nigra and Zingiber officinale as thermogenic substances during footbaths: A Randomized Controlled Cross-over Trial
Frank Münch, A. Purbojo, Folker Wenzel, Matthias Kohl, S. Dittrich, M. Rauh, R. Zimmermann, N. Kwapil Verbesserte Qualität gelagerter Erythrozytenkonzentrate durch maschinelle Autotransfusion


Wolfgang Kemmler, Daniel Schoene, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel Changes in Body Composition and Cardiometabolic Health After Detraining in Older Men with Osteosarcopenia: 6-Month Follow-Up of the Randomized Controlled Franconian Osteopenia and Sarcopenia Trial (FrOST) Study
Michael Hettchen, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Marie H. Murphy, Mahdieh Shojaa, Mansour Ghasemikaram, Laura Bragonzoni, Francesco Benvenuti, Claudio Ripamonti, Maria G. Benedetti, Mikko Julin, Tapani Risto, Wolfgang Kemmler Changes in Menopausal Risk Factors in Early Postmenopausal Osteopenic Women After 13 Months of High-Intensity Exercise: The Randomized Controlled ACTLIFE-RCT
Jan Vagedes, Silja Kuderer, Katrin Vagedes, Henrik Szöke, Matthias Kohl, Ursula Wolf Chest Compresses with Ginger or Mustard Affect Warmth Regulation in Healthy Adults - A Randomized Co
Weronika Schary, Filip Paskali, Jonathan Simantzik, Matthias Kohl Data Science für die Lebenswissenschaften
Mansour Ghasemikaram, Klaus Engelke, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Wolfgang Kemmler Detraining Effects on Muscle Quality in Older Men with Osteosarcopenia. Follow-Up of the Randomized Controlled Franconian Osteopenia and Sarcopenia Trial (FrOST)
Wolfgang Kemmler, Michael Hettchen, Matthias Kohl, Marie Murphy, Laura Bragonzoni, Mikko Julin, Tapani Risto, Simon von Stengel Detraining Effects on Musculoskeletal Parameters in Early Postmenopausal Osteopenic Women: 3-Month Follow-Up of the Randomized Controlled ACTLIFE Study
Wolfgang Kemmler, Matthias Kohl, Michael Fröhlich, Daniel Schoene, Simon von Stengel Detraining effects after 18 months of high intensity resistance training on osteosarcopenia in older men—Six-month follow-up of the randomized controlled Franconian Osteopenia and Sarcopenia Trial (FrOST)
Mansour Ghasemikaram, Oliver Chaudry, Armin M. Nagel, Michael Uder, Franz Jakob, Wolfgang Kemmler, Matthias Kohl, Klaus Engelke Effects of 16 months of high intensity resistance training on thigh muscle fat infiltration in elderly men with osteosarcopenia
Michael Hettchen, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Marie H. Murphy, Mahdieh Shojaa, Mansour Ghasemikaram, Laura Bragonzoni, Francesco Benvenuti, Claudio Ritpamonti, Gracia Benedetti, Mikko Julin, Tapani Risto, Wolfgang Kemmler Effects of High-Intensity Aerobic Exercise and Resistance Training on Cardiometabolic Risk in Early-Postmenopausal Women
Jan Vagedes, Silja Kuderer, Katrin Vagedes, Henrik Szöke, Matthias Kohl Effects of footbaths with ginger powder on sleep quality in insomnia
Wolfgang Kemmler, Mahdieh Shojaa, James Steele, Joshua Berger, Michael Fröhlich, Daniel Schoene, Simon von Stengel, Heinz Kleinöder, Matthias Kohl Efficacy of Whole-Body Electromyostimulation (WB-EMS) on Body Composition and Muscle Strength in Non-athletic Adults. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Michelle Mages, Mahdieh Shojaa, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Clemens Becker, Markus Gosch, Franz Jakob, Katharina Kerschan-Schindl, Bernd Kladny, Nicole Klöckner, Uwe Lange, Stefan Middeldorf, Stefan Peters, Daniel Schoene, Cornel C. Sieber, Reina Tholen, Friederike Thomasius, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler Exercise Effects on Bone Mineral Density in Men
Walburga Dieterich, Esther Tietz, Matthias Kohl, Peter C. Konturek, Timo Rath, Markus F. Neurath, Yurdagül Zopf Food Intolerance of Unknown Origin: Caused by Mucosal Inflammation? A Pilot Study
Lars Saemann, Folker Wenzel, Matthias Kohl, Sevil Korkmaz-Icöz, Fabio Hoorn, Sivakkanan Loganathan, Yuxing Guo, Qingwei Ding, Pengyu Zhou, Gabor Veres, Matthias Karck, Gabor Szabo Monitoring of perfusion quality and prediction of donor heart function during ex-vivo machine perfusion by myocardial microcirculation versus surrogate parameters
Carina Zink-Rückel, Oliver Chaudry, Klaus Engelke, Mansour Ghasemikaram, Matthias Kohl, Michael Uder, Wolfgang Kemmler Once Weekly Whole-Body Electromyostimulation Enhances Muscle Quality in Men: Data of the Randomized Controlled Franconian Electromyostimulation and Golf Study
Carina Zink-Rückel, Matthias Kohl, Sebastian Willert, Simon von Stengel, Wolfgang Kemmler Once-Weekly Whole-Body Electromyostimulation Increases Strength, Stability and Body Composition in Amateur Golfers. A Randomized Controlled Study
Weronika Schary, Filip Paskali, Simone Rentschler, Christoph Ruppert, Gabriel Wagner, Ivo Steinmetz, Hans-Peter Deigner, Matthias Kohl Open-source, Adaptable, All-in-one Smartphone-based System for Quantitative Analysis of Point-of-care Diagnostics
Florian Micke, Anja Weissenfels, Nicolas Wirtz, Simon von Stengel, Ulrike Dörmann, Matthias Kohl, Heinz Kleinöder, Lars Donath, Wolfgang Kemmler Similar Pain Intensity Reductions and Trunk Strength Improvements Following Whole-Body Electromyostimulation vs. Whole-Body Vibration vs. Conventional Back-Strengthening Training in Chronic Non-specific Low Back Pain Patients: A Three-Armed Randomized Controlled Trial
Jan Vagedes, Silja Kuderer, Eduard Helmert, Matthias Kohl, Florian Beissner, Henrik Szöke, Stefanie Joos, Ursula Wolf Warm Footbaths with Sinapis nigra or Zingiber officinale Enhance Self-Reported Vitality in Healthy Adults More than Footbaths with Warm Water Only: A Randomized, Controlled Trial


Matthias Kohl COVID-19: Erwartete Anzahl von Toten und Dunkelziffer in Deutschland
Christoph Ruppert, Lars Kaiser, Lisa Jacob, Stefan Laufer, Matthias Kohl, Hans-Peter Deigner Duplex Shiny app quantification of the sepsis biomarkers C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 in a fast quantum dot labeled lateral flow assay
Wolfgang Kemmler, Mahdieh Shojaa, Matthias Kohl, Daniel Schoene, Simon von Stengel Dynamisches Krafttraining und Knochendichte an der Lendenwirbelsäule postmenopausaler Frauen : Eine Meta-Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung trainingswissenschaftlicher Kriterien
Mahdieh Shojaa, Simon von Stengel, Daniel Schoene, Matthias Kohl, Giuseppe Barone, Laura Bragonzoni, Laura Dallolio, Sofia Marini, Marie H. Murphy, Aoife Stephenson, Minna Mänty, Mikko Julin, Tapani Risto, Wolfgang Kemmler Effect of Exercise Training on Bone Mineral Density in Post-menopausal Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Intervention Studies
Mahdieh Shojaa, Simon von Stengel, Daniel Schoene, Matthias Kohl, Wolfgang Kemmler Effect of different types of exercise on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Wolfgang Kemmler, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Daniel Schoene Effect of high-intensity resistance exercise on cardiometabolic health in older men with osteosarcopenia: the randomised controlled Franconian Osteopenia and Sarcopenia Trial (FrOST)
Wolfgang Kemmler, Mahdieh Shojaa, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel Effects of Different Types of Exercise on Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Wolfgang Kemmler, Matthias Kohl, Franz Jakob, Klaus Engelke, Simon von Stengel Effects of High Intensity Dynamic Resistance Exercise and Whey Protein Supplements on Osteosarcopenia in Older Men with Low Bone and Muscle Mass. Final Results of the Randomized Controlled FrOST Study
Wolfgang Kemmler, Michael Hettchen, Matthias Kohl, Marie H. Murphy, Mahdieh Shojaa, Mansour Ghasemikaram, Laura Bragonzoni, Francesco Benvenuti, Claudio Ripamonti, Gracia Benedetti, Mikko Julin, Tapani Risto, Simon von Stengel Effects of High Intensity Exercise during Early Postmenopause-the Randomized Controlled ACTLIFE-Study
Wolfgang Kemmler, Matthias Kohl, Michael Fröhlich, Franz Jakob, Klaus Engelke, Simon von Stengel, Daniel Schoene Effects of High Intensity Resistance Training on Osteopenia and Sarcopenia parameters in Older Men with Osteosarcopenia – One‐year results of the randomized controlled Franconian Osteopenia and Sarcopenia Trial (FrOST)
Wolfgang Kemmler, Matthias Kohl, Michael Fröhlich, Klaus Engelke, Simon von Stengel, Daniel Schoene Effects of High-Intensity Resistance Training on Fitness and Fatness in Older Men With Osteosarcopenia
Mahdieh Shojaa, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Daniel Schoene, Wolfgang Kemmler Effects of dynamic resistance exercise on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis with special emphasis on exercise parameters
Wolfgang Kemmler, Markus Weineck, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Jürgen Giessing, Michael Fröhlich, Daniel Schoene High Intensity Resistance Exercise Training to Improve Body Composition and Strength in Older Men With Osteosarcopenia. Results of the Randomized Controlled Franconian Osteopenia and Sarcopenia Trial (FrOST)
Michael Tuttor, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Michael Lell, Michael Scharf, Michael Uder, Andreas Wittke, Wolfgang Kemmler High Intensity Resistance Exercise Training vs. High Intensity (Endurance) Interval Training to Fight Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Overweight Men 30–50 Years Old
Silja Kuderer, E. Helmert, H. Szöke, Stefanie Joos, Matthias Kohl, J. Svaldi, Florian Beissner, F. Andrasik, Jan Vagedes Increasing Warmth in Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa: A Randomized Controlled Crossover Trial Examining the Efficacy of Mustard and Ginger Footbaths
Matthias Kohl MKclass: Statistical Classification
Matthias Kohl MKomics: Omics Data Analysis
Matthias Kohl MKpower: Power Analysis and Sample Size Calculation
Lars Kaiser, Helga Weinschrott, Isabel Quint, Markus Blaess, Rene Csuk, Manfred Jung, Matthias Kohl, Hans-Peter Deigner Metabolite Patterns in Human Myeloid Hematopoiesis Result from Lineage-Dependent Active Metabolic Pathways
Angela Dieterich, Matthias Kohl Nackenschmerzen verstehen mit KI
Wolfgang Kemmler, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Nicolas Rohleder, Thomas Bertsch, Cornel C. Sieber, Ellen Freiberger, Robert Kob Safety of a Combined WB-EMS and High-Protein Diet Intervention in Sarcopenic Obese Elderly Men


Christoph Ruppert, Navneet Phogat, Stefan Laufer, Matthias Kohl, Hans-Peter Deigner A smartphone readout system for gold nanoparticle-based lateral flow assays: application to monitoring of digoxigenin
Anja Weissenfels, Nicolas Wirtz, Ulrike Dörmann, Heinz Kleinöder, Lars Donath, Matthias Kohl, Michael Fröhlich, Simon von Stengel, Wolfgang Kemmler Comparison of Whole-Body Electromyostimulation versus Recognized Back-Strengthening Exercise Training on Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Study
Severin Weis, Andreas Schwiertz, Marcus M. Unger, Anouck Becker, Klaus Faßbender, Stefan Ratering, Matthias Kohl, Sylvia Schnell, Karl-Herbert Schäfer, Markus Egert Effect of Parkinson’s disease and related medications on the composition of the fecal bacterial microbiota
Josefine Hantschel, Severin Weis, Karl-Herbert Schäfer, Michael D. Menger, Matthias Kohl, Markus Egert, Matthias W. Laschke Effect of endometriosis on the fecal bacteriota composition of mice during the acute phase of lesion formation
Michael Hettchen, Katharina Glöckler, Simon von Stengel, Andrea Piechele, Helmut Lötzerich, Matthias Kohl, Wolfgang Kemmler Effects of Compression Tights on Recovery Parameters after Exercise Induced Muscle Damage: A Randomized Controlled Crossover Study
Sebastian Willert, Anja Weissenfels, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Michael Fröhlich, Heinz Kleinöder, Daniel Schöne, Marc Teschler, Wolfgang Kemmler Effects of Whole-Body Electromyostimulation on the Energy-Restriction-Induced Reduction of Muscle Mass During Intended Weight Loss
Saskia Mayer, Marie Prechtl, Pia Liebfried, Ron-Patrick Cadeddu, Fabian Stuhldreier, Matthias Kohl, Folker Wenzel, Björn Stork, Sebastian Wesselborg, Peter Proksch, Ulrich Germing, Rainer Haas, Paul Jäger First Results from a Screening of 300 Naturally Occurring Compounds: 4,6-dibromo-2-(2′,4′-dibromophenoxy)phenol, 4,5,6-tribromo-2-(2′,4′-dibromophenoxy)phenol, and 5-epi-nakijinone Q as Substances with the Potential for Anticancer Therapy
Wolfgang Kemmler, Matthias Kohl, Klaus Engelke, Simon von Stengel Körperliches Training zur Frakturprophylaxe des älteren Menschen
Matthias Kohl MKdescr: Descriptive Statistics
Matthias Kohl MKinfer: Inferential Statistics
Birgit Fritz, Anne Jenner, Siegfried Wahl, Christian Lappe, Achim Zehender, Christian Horn, Frithjof Blessing, Matthias Kohl, Focke Ziemssen, Markus Egert The spectacle and the skin – Cultivation-based analysis of the bacteriota on spectacles in a university and a nursing home-setting
David Scheinost, Maren Lickert, Steven Oettinger, Filip Paskali, Yannik Ehlers, Matthias Kohl, Angela Dieterich Was sind Muskelverspannungen? Annäherung durch ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt am Beispiel 'chronischer Nackenschmerz'
Wolfgang Kemmler, Regina Straub, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel Zusammenhang zwischen Sarkopenie und Knochendichte – eine Querschnittsuntersuchung mit Männern 72 Jahre + mit Sarkopenie


Birgit Fritz, Anne Jenner, Siegfried Wahl, Christian Lappe, Achim Zehender, Christian Horn, Frithjof Blessing, Matthias Kohl, Focke Ziemssen, Markus Egert A view to a kill? – Ambient bacterial load of frames and lenses of spectacles and evaluation of different cleaning methods
Wolfgang Kemmler, Simon von Stengel, Daniel Schöne, Matthias Kohl Changes of Maximum Leg Strength Indices During Adulthood a Cross-Sectional Study With Non-athletic Men Aged 19–91
Wolfgang Kemmler, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl Developing sarcopenia criteria and cutoffs for an older Caucasian cohort – a strictly biometrical approach
Wolfgang Kemmler, Matthias Kohl, Ellen Freiberger, Cornel Sieber, Simon von Stengel Effect of whole-body electromyostimulation and / or protein supplementation on obesity and cardiometabolic risk in older men with sarcopenic obesity: the randomized controlled FranSO trial
Wolfgang Kemmler, Alexander Grimm, Michael Bebenek, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel Effects of Combined Whole-Body Electromyostimulation and Protein Supplementation on Local and Overall Muscle/Fat Distribution in Older Men with Sarcopenic Obesity: The Randomized Controlled Franconia Sarcopenic Obesity (FranSO) Study
J. Vagedes, E. Helmert, S. Kuderer, V. Müller, P. Voege, H. Szőke, J. Valentini, S. Joos, Matthias Kohl, F. Andrasik Effects of Footbaths with Mustard, Ginger, or Warm Water Only on Objective and Subjective Warmth Distribution in Healthy Subjects: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Anja Weissenfels, Marc Teschler, Sebastian Willert, Michael Hettchen, Michael Fröhlich, Heinz Kleinöder, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel, Wolfgang Kemmler Effects of whole-body electromyostimulation on chronic nonspecific low back pain in adults: a randomized controlled study
Wolfgang Kemmler, M. Shojaa, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel Exercise effects on bone mineral density in older men: a systematic review with special emphasis on study interventions
P. Schalk, Matthias Kohl, H. J. Herrmann, R. Schwappacher, M. E. Rimmele, A. Buettner, J. Siebler, M. F. Neurath, Y. Zopf Influence of cancer and acute inflammatory disease on taste perception: a clinical pilot study
Nacneet Phogat, Matthias Kohl, Imran Uddin Interaction of Nanoparticles With Biomolecules, Protein, Enzymes, and Its Applications
Hans-Peter Deigner(Ed.), , Matthias Kohl(Ed.) Precision Medicine: Tools and Quantitative Approaches
Matthias Kohl, Bernhard Spangl, Sascha Desmettre, Eugen Massini, Mykhailo Pupashenko, Daria Pupashenko, Gerald Kroisandt, Peter Ruckdeschel RobAStRDA: Interpolation Grids for Packages of the 'RobASt' - Family of Packages
Nataliya Horbenko, Bernhard Spangl, Sascha Desmettre, Eugen Massini, Daria Pupashenko, Gerald Kroisandt, Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel RobExtremes: Optimally Robust Estimation for Extreme Value Distributions
Lars Kaiser, Julia Weisser, Matthias Kohl, Hans-Peter Deigner Small molecule detection with aptamer based lateral flow assays: Applying aptamer-C-reactive protein cross-recognition for ampicillin detection
Sowmya S. Perumbakkam, Matthias Kohl Statistical Learning in Precision Medicine


Ha-Yeun Chung, Anna S. Kollmey, Andrea Schrepper, Matthias Kohl, Markus Bläss, Sebastian N. Stehr, Amelie Lupp, Markus H. Gräler, Ralf A. Claus Adjustment of Dysregulated Ceramide Metabolism in a Murine Model of Sepsis-Induced Cardiac Dysfunction
Hans-Peter Deigner, Matthias Kohl, Christoph Ruppert, Sowmya S. Perumbakkam, Lisa Jacob, Anika Schmidt Diagnostische Schnelltests für die personalisierte Medizin
Wolfgang Kemmler, Anja Weissenfels, Michael Bebenek, Michael Fröhlich, Heinz Kleinöder, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel Effects of Whole-Body Electromyostimulation on Low Back Pain in People with Chronic Unspecific Dorsal Pain: A Meta-Analysis of Individual Patient Data from Randomized Controlled WB-EMS Trials
Anja Weissenfels, Marc Teschler, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Wolfgang Kemmler Effects of Whole-Body-Electromyostimulation on Low Back Pain – a Review of the Evidence
Wolfgang Kemmler, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl Exercise Frequency and Fracture Risk in Older Adults—How Often Is Enough?
Wolfgang Kemmler, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel Long-term effects of exercise in postmenopausal women: 16-year results of the Erlangen Fitness and Osteoporosis Prevention Study (EFOPS)
Markus Bläss, Nelly Bibak, Ralf A. Claus, Matthias Kohl, Gabriel A. Bonaterra, Ralf Kinscherf, Stefan Laufer, Hans-Peter Deigner NB 06: From a simple lysosomotropic aSMase inhibitor to tools for elucidating the role of lysosomes in signaling apoptosis and LPS-induced inflammation
Matthias Kohl Package mpe: Multiple Primary Endpoints
Andreas Wittke, Simon von Stengel, Michael Hettchen, Michael Fröhlich, Jürgen Giessing, Michael Lell, Michael Scharf, Michael Bebenek, Matthias Kohl, Wolfgang Kemmler Protein Supplementation to Augment the Effects of High Intensity Resistance Training in Untrained Middle-Aged Males: The Randomized Controlled PUSH Trial
Christoph König, Stephanie Tauchnitz, Heike Kunzelmann, Christian Horn, Frithjof Blessing, Matthias Kohl, Markus Egert Quantification and identification of aerobic bacteria in holy water samples from a German environment
Marc Teschler, Alfred Wassermann, Anja Weissenfels, Michael Fröhlich, Matthias Kohl, Michael Bebenek, Simon von Stengel, Wolfgang Kemmler Short-time effect of a single session of intense whole-body electromyostimulation on energy expenditure. A contribution to fat reduction?
Wolfgang Kemmler, Anja Weissenfels, Marc Teschler, Sebastian Willert, Michael Bebenek, Mahdieh Shojaa, Matthias Kohl, Ellen Freiberger, Cornel Sieber, Simon von Stengel Whole-body electromyostimulation and protein supplementation favorably affect sarcopenic obesity in community-dwelling older men at risk: the randomized controlled FranSO study


Marc Teschler, Anja Weissenfels, Michael Fröhlich, Matthias Kohl, Michael Bebenek, Simon von Stengel, Wolfgang Kemmler (Very) high creatine kinase (CK) levels after Whole-Body Electromyostimulation. Are there implications for health?
Michael Bauer, Evangelos J. Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Andreas Kortgen, Eva Möller, Karen Felsmann, Jean M. Cavaillon, Orlando Guntinas-Lichius, Olivier Rutschmann, Andriy Ruryk, Matthias Kohl, Britta Wlotzka, Stefan Rußwurm, John C. Marshall, Konrad Reinhart A Transcriptomic Biomarker to Quantify Systemic Inflammation in Sepsis — A Prospective Multicenter Phase II Diagnostic Study
Anne Jenner, Christian Lappe, Achim Zehender, Christian Horn, Frithjof Blessing, Matthias Kohl, Markus Egert A view to a kill? – ambient bacterial load of frames and lenses of spectacles and evaluation of different cleaning methods
Basri Gülbakan, Riza Köksal Özgül, Ayse Yüzbasioglu, Matthias Kohl, Hans-Peter Deigner, Meral Özgüc Discovery of biomarkers in rare diseases: innovative approaches by predictive and personalized medicine
Wolfgang Kemmler, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel Effects Of High Intensity Resistance Training Versus Whole-Body Electromyostimulation On Cardio-Metabolic Risk Factors In Untrained Middle Aged Males. A Randomized Controlled Trail
Wolfgang Kemmler, Marc Teschler, Anja Weissenfels, Michael Bebenek, Michael Fröhlich, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel Effects of Whole-Body Electromyostimulation versus High-Intensity Resistance Exercise on Body Composition and Strength: A Randomized Controlled Study
Matthias Kohl Einführung in das Programmieren mit R
Wolfgang Kemmler, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl Exercise frequency and bone mineral density development in exercising postmenopausal osteopenic women. Is there a critical dose of exercise for affecting bone? Results of the Erlangen Fitness and Osteoporosis Prevention Study
Wolfgang Kemmler, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Julia Bauer Impact of exercise changes on body composition during the college years - a five year randomized controlled study
Katharina Wittmann, Cornel Sieber, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Ellen Freiberger, Franz Jakob, Michael Lell, Klaus Engelke, Wolfgang Kemmler Impact of whole body electromyostimulation on cardiometabolic risk factors in older women with sarcopenic obesity: the randomized controlled FORMOsA sarcopenic obesity study
Christoph Sponholz, Katja Matthes, Dina Rupp, Wolf Backaus, Sebastian Klammt, Diana Karailieva, Astrid Bauschke, Utz Settmacher, Matthias Kohl, Mark G. Clemens, Steffen Mitzner, Michael Bauer, Andreas Kortgen Molecular adsorbent recirculating system and single pass albumin dialysis in liver failure -- a prospective randomized cross-over study
Wolfgang Kemmler, Michael Bebenek, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel Possible different roles of exercise in preventing vertebral and hip fractures: response to comments by Sugiyama et al.
Wolfgang Kemmler, Simon von Stengel, Marc Teschler, Anja Weissenfels, Michael Bebenek, Matthias Kohl, Ellen Freiberger, C. Bollheimer, S. Goisser, Cornel Sieber, L. Seefried, Franz Jakob, Klaus Engelke Whole-body Electromyostimulation and Sarcopenic Obesity: Results of the randomized controlled FORMOsA-Sarcopenic Obesity Study
Wolfgang Kemmler, Marc Teschler, Anja Weissenfels, Michael Bebenek, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Ellen Freiberger, S. Goisser, Franz Jakob, Cornel Sieber, Klaus Engelke Whole-body electromyostimulation to fight sarcopenic obesity in community-dwelling older women at risk. Results of the randomized controlled FORMOsA-sarcopenic obesity study


Markus Egert, Kerstin Späth, Karoline Weik, Heike Kunzelmann, Christian Horn, Matthias Kohl, Frithjof Blessing Bacteria on smartphone touchscreens in a German university setting and evaluation of two popular cleaning methods using commercially available cleaning products
Matthias Kohl Einführung in die statistische Datenanalyse mit R
Wolfgang Kemmler, Matthias Kohl, Michael Bebenek, Simon von Stengel Entwicklung von Übergewicht und Adipositas im jungen Erwachsenenalter – Stellenwert berufsbedingter Veränderungen des Sporttreibens auf Fettmasse, fettfreie Masse und Körpermasse bei Studenten
Wolfgang Kemmler, Michael Bebenek, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel Exercise and fractures in postmenopausal women. Final results of the controlled Erlangen Fitness and Osteoporosis Prevention Study (EFOPS)
Wolfgang Kemmler, Marc Teschler, Anja Weissenfels, Michael Fröhlich, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel Ganzkörper Elektromyostimulation versus HIT-Krafttraining – Einfluss auf Körperzusammensetzung und Muskelkraft
Wolfgang Kemmler, Michael Bebenek, Simon von Stengel, Matthias Kohl, Julia Bauer Increases of Cardiometabolic Risk in Young Adults. Impact of Exercise Reductions during the College Years
Matthias Kohl Introduction to statistical data analysis with R
Wolfgang Kemmler, Matthias Kohl, Michael Bebenek, Simon von Stengel Körperliche Belastung und kardiometabolisches Risiko bei jungen Erwachsenen
Wolfgang Kemmler, Michael Bebenek, Matthias Kohl, Simon von Stengel Körperliches Training, Fraktur und Knochendichte: Finale Ergebnisse der Erlanger Fitness und Osteoporose-Präventions-Studie (EFOPS)
Daria Pupashenko, Peter Ruckdeschel, Matthias Kohl L2 Differentiability of Generalized Linear Models
Christoph Ruppert, Matthias Kohl, Lisa Jacob, Hans-Peter Deigner Multiplexing in Bioassays
Matthias Kohl, Astrid Genet Patienten-spezifische Vorhersagemodelle für Organversagen bei Intensivpatienten
Gordon P. Otto, Jorge Hurtado-Oliverso, Ha-Yeun Chung, Kristin Knoll, Thomas Neumann, Hans J. Müller, Marco Herbsleb, Matthias Kohl, Maik Sossdorf, Ralf A. Claus, Martin Busch Plasma neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin is primarily related to inflammation during sepsis: A translational approach
Markus Bläss, H.P. Le, Ralf A. Claus, Matthias Kohl, Hans-Peter Deigner Stereospecific Induction of Apoptosis in Tumor Cells via Endogenous C16-Ceramide and Distinct Transcripts


James R. Perkins, Ana Antunes-Martins, Margarita Calvo, John Grist, Werner Rust, Ramona Schmid, Tobias Hildebrandt, Matthias Kohl, Christine Orengo, Stephen B. McMahon, David L. Bennett A comparison of RNA-seq and exon arrays for whole genome transcription profiling of the L5 spinal nerve transection model of neuropathic pain in the rat
Matthias W. Sieber, Madlen Guenther, Nadine Jaenisch, Daniela Albrecht-Eckardt, Matthias Kohl, Otto W. Witte, Christiane Frahm Age-specific transcriptional response to stroke
Peter Ruckdeschel, Matthias Kohl General Purpose Convolution Algorithm in S4-Classes by Means of FFT
Kerstin Späth, Karoline Weik, Heike Kunzelmann, Christian Horn, Matthias Kohl, Frithjof Blessing, Markus Egert You will never talk alone: Bacteria on smartphone touchscreens in a German university setting and evaluation of two popular cleaning methods


Matthias Kohl Analyse von Genexpressionsdaten mit R und Bioconductor
Fabienne Flessa, Alexandra Kehl, Matthias Kohl Analysing diversity and community structures using PCR-RFLP: a new software application
T. Peters, A. Ghadiri, Matthias Kohl Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement: audiovisuelle Entspannung kann Krankenstand senken
Ole Bayer, Daniel Schwarzkopf, Torsten Doenst, Deborah Cook, Björn Kabisch, Christoph Schelenz, Michael Bauer, Niels C. Riedemann, Yasser Sakr, Matthias Kohl, Konrad Reinhart, Christiane S. Hartog Perioperative Fluid Therapy With Tetrastarch and Gelatin in Cardiac Surgery — A Prospective Sequential Analysis
Maik Sossdorf, Gordon P. Otto, Katja Menge, Ralf A. Claus, Wolfgang Lösche, Björn Kabisch, Matthias Kohl, Ulrich C. Smolenski, Peter Schlattmann, Konrad Reinhart, Johannes Winning Potential effect of physiotherapeutic treatment on mortality rate in patients with severe sepsis and septic shock: A retrospective cohort analysis
Klaus Pöttgen, Matthias Kohl Propriozeption im Fußball
Matthias Kohl, Daria Pupashenko Robuste Schätzung von Aufenthaltsdauer und Kosten für Patienten auf Intensivstationen


Matthias Kohl Analysis of Microarray Data
James R. Perkins, Nor Izayu Abdul Rahman, Matthias Kohl Analysis of RT-qPCR data
Matthias Kohl Bounded influence estimation for regression and scale
Ole Bayer, Konrad Reinhart, Matthias Kohl, Björn Kabisch, John Marshall, Yasser Sakr, Michael Bauer, Christiane S. Hartog, Daniel Schwarzkopf, Niels Riedemann Effects of fluid resuscitation with synthetic colloids or crystalloids alone on shock reversal, fluid balance, and patient outcomes in patients with severe sepsis: A prospective sequential analysis
Matthias Kohl Feature Selection in Statistical Classification
Martina Weber, Sandro Lambeck, Nadine Ding, Stefanie Henken, Matthias Kohl, Hans-Peter Deigner, David P. Enot, Ignatius E. Igwe, Lucien Frappart, Michael Kiehntopf, Ralf A. Claus, Thomas Kamradt, Debra Weih, Yoram Vodovotz, David E. Briles, Abiodun D. Ogunniyi, James C. Paton, Ulrich A. Maus, Michael Bauer Hepatic induction of cholesterol biosynthesis reflects a remote adaptive response to pneumococcal pneumonia
Yasser Sakr, Juliana Marques, Stefan Mortsch, Matheus D. Gonsalves, Khosro Hekmat, Björn Kabisch, Matthias Kohl, Konrad Reinhart Is the SAPS II score Valid in Surgical Intensive Care Unit Patients?
Matthias Kohl Performance Measures in Binary Classification
Uwe Kern, Volker Busch, Ruben Müller, Matthias Kohl, Frank Birklein Phantom Limb Pain in Daily Practice—Still a Lot of Work to Do!
James R. Perkins, John M. Dawes, Steve B. McMahon, David L. Bennett, Christine Orengo, Matthias Kohl ReadqPCR and NormqPCR: R packages for the reading, quality checking and normalisation of RT-qPCR quantification cycle (Cq) data
K.-U. Kern, Matthias Kohl, U. Seifert, T. Schlereth Wirkung von Botulinumtoxin Typ B auf Stumpfschwitzen und Stumpfschmerzen


Christiane S. Hartog, Matthias Kohl, Konrad Reinhart A Systematic Review of Third-Generation Hydroxyethyl Starch (HES 130/0.4) in Resuscitation: Safety Not Adequately Addressed
Matthias Kohl, S. Koch, Matthias Keller, Hans-Peter Deigner Biochips: Bright Future in Clinical Dx?
James Perkins, Matthias Kohl Bioconductor-Package NormqPCR: Functions for normalisation of RT-qPCR data
James Perkins, Matthias Kohl, Nor Izayu Abdul Rahman Bioconductor-Package ReadqPCR: Read qPCR data
Uwe Kern, Matthias Kohl, Ulrich Seifert, Tanja Schlereth Botulinum toxin type B in the treatment of residual limb hyperhidrosis for lower limb amputees: a pilot study.
Suzanne Perz, Thomas Uhlig, Matthias Kohl, Donald L. Bredle, Konrad Reinhart, Michael Bauer, Andreas Kortgen Low and “supranormal” central venous oxygen saturation and markers of tissue hypoxia in cardiac surgery patients – a prospective observational study.
Hans-Peter Deigner, Michael Bauer, Matthias Kohl Method for in vitro diagnosing sepsis utilizing biomarker composed of more than two different types of endogenous biomolecules
Ole Bayer, Konrad Reinhart, Yasser Sakr, Björn Kabisch, Matthias Kohl, Niels C. Riedemann, Michael Bauer, Utz Settmacher, Khosro Hekmat, Christiane S. Hartog Renal effects of synthetic colloids and crystalloids in patients with severe sepsis – a prospective sequential comparison
Hans-Peter Deigner, Matthias Kohl, Therese Koal, Ignatius E. Igwe, Guido Dallmann, Michael Bauer, David P. Enot Use of bile acids for prediction of an onset of sepsis


Julien B. Landré, Markus Bläss, Matthias Kohl, Tina Schlicksbier, Andriy Ruryk, Ralf Kinscherf, Ralf A. Claus, Albin Hermetter, Matthias Keller, Michael Bauer, Hans-Peter Deigner Addressable bipartite molecular hook (ABMH): Immobilized hairpin probes with sensitivity below 50 fM
Johannes Winning, Jens Neumann, Matthias Kohl, Ralf A. Claus, Konrad Reinhart, Michael Bauer, Wolfgang Lösche Antiplatelet drugs and outcome in mixed admissions to an intensive care unit
Matthias Kohl Development and Validation of Predictive Molecular Signatures
Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel, Helmut Rieder Infinitesimally Robust estimation in general smoothly parametrized models
Matthias W. Sieber, Madlen Guenther, Matthias Kohl, Otto W. Witte, Ralf A. Claus, Christiane Frahm Inter-age variability of bona fide unvaried transcripts: Normalization of quantitative PCR data in ischemic stroke
Uwe Kern, Matthias Kohl, Ralph T. Kiefer Lidocain-Pflaster zur Therapie neuropathischer und nichtneuropathischer Schmerzen
Hans-Peter Deigner, Matthias Kohl, Matthias Keller, Therese Koal, Klaus Weinberger Method for In Vitro Diagnosing a Complex Disease
Hans-Peter Deigner, Matthias Kohl, David P. Enot, Therese Koal, Matthias Keller Method for Predicting the Likelihood of an Onset of an Inflammation Associated Organ Failure
Hans-Peter Deigner, Matthias Kohl, Matthias Keller, Therese Koal Method for normalization in metabolomics analysis methods with endogenous reference metabolites
Matthias Keller, Hans-Peter Deigner, David P. Enot, Matthias Kohl, Ronnaug Solberg, Ola D. Saugstad, Therese Koal Method of Diagnosing Asphyxia
Fabienne Flessa, Alexandra Kehl, Mohamed A. Imtiaz, Matthias Kohl Package RFLPtools: Tools to analyse RFLP data
Matthias Kohl, Hans-Peter Deigner Preprocessing of gene expression data by optimally robust estimators
Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel R Package distrMod:S4 Classes and Methods for Probability Models
William J. Griffiths, Therese Koal, Yuqin Wang, Matthias Kohl, David P. Enot, Hans-Peter Deigner Targeted Metabolomics for Biomarker Discovery
Leming Shi, Gregory Campbell, Wendell D. Jones, Fabien Campagne, Zhining Wen, Stephen J. Walker, Zhenqiang Su, Tzu-Ming Chu, Federico M. Goodsaid, Lajos Pusztai, Matthias Kohl The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC)-II study of common practices for the development and validation of microarray-based predictive models
Hans-Peter Deigner, David P. Enot, Matthias Kohl, Ignatius E. Igwe, Therese Koal, Michael Bauer, Guido Dallmann Use of Endogenous Metabolites for Early Diagnosing Sepsis
David Gräßel, Thomas M. Ringer, Clemens Fitzek, Sabine Fitzek, Matthias Kohl, Werner A. Kaiser, Otto W. Witte, Hubertus Axer Wallerian Degeneration of Pyramidal Tract After Paramedian Pons Infarct


Johannes Winning, Julia Reichel, Yvonne Eisenhut, Jürg Hamacher, Matthias Kohl, Hans-Peter Deigner, Ralf A. Claus, Michael Bauer, Wolfgang Lösche Anti-platelet drugs and outcome in severe infection: Clinical impact and underlying mechanisms
Matthias Kohl Package ROptEstOld: Optimally robust estimation - old version
Matthias Kohl Package RobLoxBioC: Infinitesimally robust estimators for preprocessing omics data
Uwe Kern, Volker Busch, M. Rockland, Matthias Kohl, Frank Birklein Prävalenz und Risikofaktoren von Phantomschmerzen und Phantomwahrnehmungen in Deutschland
Hans-Peter Deigner, Matthias Kohl The molecular sepsis signature


Matthias Kohl Package MKmisc: Miscellaneous Functions from M. Kohl
Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel, Myhailo Pupashenko, Gerald Kroisandt Package RobAStBase: Robust Asymptotic Statistics
Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel Package distrMod: Object orientated implementation of probability models.
Helmut Rieder, Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel The cost of not knowing the radius
Eleonora Feist, Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel, Anja Hueller distrTeach: Extensions of Package distr for Teaching Stochastics/Statistics in Secondary School


Matthias Kohl Bioconductor-Package SLqPCR: Functions for analysis of real-time quantitative PCR data at SIRS-Lab GmbH
Matthias Kohl Package ROptEst: Optimally robust estimation
Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel Package ROptRegTS: Optimally robust estimation for regressiontype models
Matthias Kohl Package RobRex: Optimally robust influence curves for regression and scale
Matthias Kohl Package SLmisc: Miscellaneous Functions for analysis of gene expression data at SIRS-Lab GmbH


Uwe Kern, Bernd Altkemper, Matthias Kohl Management of Phantom Pain with a Textile, Electromagnetically-Acting Stump Liner: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Study
Peter Ruckdeschel, Matthias Kohl, Thomas Stabla, Florian Camphausen S4Classes for Distributions
Florian Camphausen, Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel, Thomas Stabla distrDoc: Documentation for packages distr, distrEx, distrSim, distrTEst, distrTeach, distrMod and distrEllipse


Matthias Kohl Numerical Contributions to the Asymptotic Theory of Robustness
Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel Package RandVar: Implementation of random variables by means of S4 classes and methods
Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel Package distrEx: Extensions of package distr
Florian Camphausen, Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel, Thomas Stabla Package distrSim: Simulation classes based on package distr
Florian Camphausen, Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel, Thomas Stabla Package distrTEst: Estimation and testing classes based on package distr.


Florian Camphausen, Matthias Kohl, Peter Ruckdeschel, Thomas Stabla Package distr: Object orientated implementation of distributions