Further information

Curriculum Vitae

Verena Klusmann-Weißkopf is a health psychologist and has been a professor of health promotion and prevention in the Faculty of Health, Security, Society at Furtwangen University since 2022. Previously, she held professorships in health sciences and public health at the universities of Bremen and Hamburg since 2014. She received her doctorate at the Charité Berlin Campus Benjamin Franklin in the DFG (German Research Foundation) graduate school in Neuropsychiatry and Psychology of Aging. At the University of Konstanz, as a postdoc from 2011, she set up the Konstanz Life Study in the Psychological Diagnostics and Health Psychology working group and continues to be associated there. Since 2016, she has led the scientific network (funded by the DFG until 2022) “Images of Aging” as PI and spokesperson and is a member of other international and interdisciplinary research associations and expert panels. She has been Co-Editor of the European Journal of Health Psychology since 2014.

Field of research and / or teaching

Research (selected):

  • Health promotion across the lifespan (focus on: physical activity, eating behavior)
  • Psychological views on aging and their role for health and health behavior
  • Social-cognitive dynamics in health promotion and health behavior change
  • Promoting cognitive fitness in old age through exercise and mental activation

Teaching (selected)

  • Evidence-based health promotion and prevention
  • Health and social psychology
  • Development over the lifespan
  • Emotion, motivation and communication
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Research methods



Klusmann-Weißkopf, Verena

2024 | 2023 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008


Heike Spaderna, Verena Klusmann, Heike Eschenbeck, Christel Salewksi, Silke Schmidt, Andreas Schwerdtfeger, Claus Vögele, Manja VollmannEditorial : Towards New Horizons
Statt ewiger Jugend : Warum wir das Altern mehr schätzen sollten
Serena Sabatini, Fiona Rupprecht, Roman Kaspar, Verena Klusmann, Anna Kornadt, Jana Nikitin, Anton Schönstein, Yannick Stephan, Markus Wettstein, Susanne Wurm, Manfred Diehl, Hans-Werner WahlSuccessful Aging and Subjective Aging : Toward a Framework to Research a Neglected Connection
Stefan Klöppel, Esther Brill, Giovanni B. Frisoni, Dag Aarsland, Verena Klusmann-WeißkopfValue-based motivational strategies combined with technology to encourage a lifestyle that helps to prevent dementia


Stefan Robiné, Constanze Abratzky#19 Einfach gesund bleiben. Methoden, Tipps, Beispiele für Menschen ab 55
Martin WinkelheideAltersbilder - Wie wollen wir alt werden?
Elmar StrackeAltersbilder allenthalben mit Prof. Verena Klusmann : wie sie uns prägen und wie wir sie prägen
Parvin SadighBoomer, alte weiße Männer und andere Stereotype : Altersdiskriminierung
Verena KlusmannDie Einstellung zum Altern als Chance oder Risiko für Gesundheit bis ins hohe Alter
Adelheid Müller-LissnerGesundheitsexpertin im Interview: „Wer positiv übers Altern denkt, lebt länger“
Christof Ammermann, Ann-Kristin Beyer, Anne Blawert, Annette Bomba, Andreas Edel, Beate Grossmann, Karin Haist, Ria Hinken, Susanne Kabitz, Roman Kaspar, Eva-Marie Kessler, Matthias Kliegel, Verena Klusmann-Weißkopf, Monika Koch, Anna E. Kornadt, Katharina Mahne, Christin Meißner, Susanne Möthe-Gundlack, Tobias Müller, Nanna Notthoff, Caroline Rehner, Emanuel Richter, Michaela Riediger, Martina Röder, Klaus Rothermund, Elke Schilling, Patrick Schraps, Mark Schweda, Loring Sittler, Svenja M. Spuling, Elmar Stracke, Hans-Werner Wahl, Anna Wanka, Sebastian Wegner, Markus Wettstein, Maja Wiest, Maria Wirth, Julia K. Wolff, Antje Wunderlich, Jenna Wünsche, Susanne WurmHow To: 6 Impulse für vielfältigere Altersbilder
Esther Brill, Verena Klusmann-Weißkopf, Stefan KlöppelWenn Werte motivieren
Anja HerzogWerden ältere Menschen im Berufsleben nicht genug wertgeschätzt?
„Viel­fäl­tige Alters­bil­der sind eine echte Win-Win-Situa­tion für alle“


Klaus Rothermund, Verena Klusmann, Hannes ZacherAge Discrimination in the Context of Motivation and Healthy Aging
Verena Klusmann, Sara Cengiz, Carina Materna, Christian SpreckelsImpact of restricted contact between grandparents and grandchildren during the COVID-19 pandemic
Alexandra M. Freund, Marie Hennecke, Veronika Brandstätter, Mike Martin, Steven M. Boker, Susan T. Charles, Ayelet Fishbach, Thomas M. Hess, Jutta Heckhausen, Alan J. Gow, Derek M. Isaacowitz, Verena Klusmann, Margie E. Lachman, Ulrich Mayr, Gabriele Oettingen, Philippe Robert, Christina Röcke, Klaus Rothermund, Urte Scholz, Philippe N. Tobler, Hannes Zacher, Rana S. ZadehMotivation and Healthy Aging: A Heuristic Model
Verena Klusmann, Alan J. Gow, Philippe Robert, Gabriele OettingenUsing Theories of Behavior Change to Develop Interventions for Healthy Aging


Verena Klusmann, Anna E. KornadtEditorial : Current directions in views on ageing
Beate M. Herbert, Olga Pollatos, Verena KlusmannEditorial: Interoception and Health: Psychological and Physiological Mechanisms
Verena Klusmann, Nanna Notthoff, Ann-Kristin Beyer, Anne Blawert, Martina GabrianThe assessment of views on ageing: a review of self-report measures and innovative extensions
Svenja M. Spuling, Verena Klusmann, Catherine E. Bowen, Anna E. Kornadt, Eva-Marie KesslerThe uniqueness of subjective ageing: convergent and discriminant validity
Anna E. Kornadt, Eva-Marie Kessler, Susanne Wurm, Catherine E. Bowen, Martina Gabrian, Verena KlusmannViews on ageing: a lifespan perspective


Verena Klusmann, Gudrun Sproesser, Julia K. Wolff, Britta RennerPositive Self-perceptions of Aging Promote Healthy Eating Behavior Across the Life Span via Social-Cognitive Processes
Verena Klusmann, Svenja M. Spuling, Catherine E. Bowen, Anna E. Kornadt, Eva-Marie KesslerSubjective Aging: Something unique or just another expression of general self-beliefs?
Verena Klusmann, Anna E. KornadtViews on Aging: New Perspectives for Theory and Research


Verena Klusmann, Ann-Kristin Beyer, Nanna Notthoff, Anne Blawert, Martina GabrianDas Erfassen von Altersbildern: Eine Systematisierung und Analyse verfügbarer Methoden
Verena Klusmann, Anne Blawert, Ann-Kristin Beyer, Nanna Notthoff, Martina GabrianDas Erfassen von Altersbildern: viel Kopf und wenig Gefühl?
Verena Klusmann, Nanna NotthoffMotivational Barriers and Resources for Physical Activity Among Older People
Gudrun Sproesser, Verena Klusmann, Matthew B. Ruby, Naomi Arbit, Paul Rozin, Harald T. Schupp, Britta RennerThe positive eating scale: relationship with objective health parameters and validity in Germany, the USA and India


Verena KlusmannAltersbilder im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes: Eine Anwendung der Photovoice-Methode
Verena Klusmann, J. K. Wolff, Gudrun Sproesser, Birgit RennerHow and for whom do positive views on aging promote healthy eating behavior?
Gudrun Sproesser, Verena Klusmann, Harald T. Schupp, Britta RennerSelf-Other Differences in Perceiving Why People Eat What They Eat


Verena Klusmann, Lisa Musculus, Gudrun Sproesser, Britta RennerFulfilled Emotional Outcome Expectancies Enable Successful Adoption and Maintenance of Physical Activity
Verena Klusmann, Julia K. Wolff, Gudrun Sproesser, Britta RennerSag mir, was Älterwerden für dich bedeutet, und ich sage dir, wie du isst: Sozial-kognitive Mechanismen des Zusammenhangs von individuellen Altersbildern mit dem Essverhalten


Britta Renner, Verena Klusmann, Gudrun SproesserAssessment of Health Behaviors
Gudrun Sproesser, Verena Klusmann, Harald T. Schupp, Britta RennerComparative optimism about healthy eating


Verena Klusmann, Gudrun Sproesser, Birgit RennerA negative view on aging means less healthy eating


Andrea Evers, Verena Klusmann, Ralf Schwarzer, Isabella HeuserAdherence to physical and mental activity interventions: Coping plans as a mediator and prior adherence as a moderator
Britta Renner, Gudrun Sproesser, Verena Klusmann, Harald T. SchuppDie Konstanzer Life-Studie
Andrea Evers, Verena Klusmann, Ralf Schwarzer, Isabella HeuserDoes Adherence Moderate the Effect of Physical or Mental Training on Episodic Memory in Older Women?
Verena Klusmann, Britta Renner, Katja NeumannIrrational risk perceptions after the Fukushima accident? It depends how you ask the question
Verena Klusmann, Andrea Evers, Ralf Schwarzer, Isabella HeuserViews on aging and emotional benefits of physical activity: Effects of an exercise intervention in older women


Verena Klusmann, Andrea Evers, Ralf Schwarzer, Isabella HeuserA brief questionnaire on metacognition: Psychometric properties
Verena Klusmann, Andrea Evers, Ralf Schwarzer, Isabella HeuserActivity experiences shape perceived fitness trajectories: Results from a 6-month randomized controlled trial in older women
Andrea Evers, Verena Klusmann, Ralf Schwarzer, Isabella HeuserImproving cognition by adherence to physical or mental exercise: A moderated mediation analysis
Verena Klusmann, Isabella HeuserKörperliche und geistige Aktivierung
Andrea Evers, Verena Klusmann, Jochen P. Ziegelmann, Ralf Schwarzer, Isabella HeuserLong-term adherence to a physical activity intervention: The role of telephone-assisted vs. self-administered coping plans and strategy use
Verena Klusmann, Andrea Evers, Ralf Schwarzer, Isabella HeuserMit körperlicher Aktivität gegen die Alternsunzufriedenheit: Eine randomisierte Kontrollgruppenstudie
Verena Klusmann, Andrea Evers, Ralf Schwarzer, Isabella HeuserPhysical exercise buffers increasing dissatisfaction with aging: A randomised controlled trial


Verena Klusmann, Andrea Evers, Ralf Schwarzer, Peter Schlattmann, Friedel M. Reischies, Isabella Heuser, Fernando C. DimeoComplex Mental and Physical Activity in Older Women and Cognitive Performance: A 6-month Randomized Controlled Trial
Verena Klusmann, Andrea Evers, Ralf Schwarzer, Isabella HeuserDie subjektive Wahrnehmung von Aktivitätsförderungsprogrammen im Alter
Verena Klusmann, Andrea Evers, Ralf Schwarzer, Isabella HeuserSubjectively appreciated benefits from cognitive fitness interventions in older women


Verena Klusmann, Andrea Evers, Ralf Schwarzer, Fernando C. Dimeo, Friedel M. Reischies, Isabella HeuserObjective cognitive benefits and subjectively perceived changes are disparate in a 6-month randomized controlled trial


Verena Klusmann, Andrea Evers, Ralf Schwarzer, Fernando C. Dimeo, Friedel M. Reischies, Isabella HeuserBerlin bleibt fit: Eine Interventionsstudie zum Erhalt kognitiver Fitness
Verena Klusmann, Andrea Evers, Ralf Schwarzer, Fernando C. Dimeo, Friedel M. Reischies, Isabella HeuserBerlin stays fit: A 6-month intervention study to improve cognitive fitness in the elderly
Andrea Evers, Verena Klusmann, Ralf Schwarzer, Fernando C. Dimeo, Friedel M. Reischies, Isabella HeuserBerlin stays fit: Motivational and volitional strategies for mental and physical exercise of elderly women
Verena KlusmannMetatelische Orientierungen im Alter: Erfolgreiches Altern durch Änderungen in persönlichen Motivstrukturen?