Further information

Curriculum Vitae

  • Studium Elektrotechnik, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Promotion University of Dundee, Großbritannien
  • WaveLight, Alcon GmbH, Erlangen
  • Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, Frankreich

Field of research and / or teaching


  • Security 2
  • Sensoren der Überwachungstechnik



Skerl, Kathrin

2024 | 2022 | 2020 | 2018


Alparslan Babur, Ali Moukadem, Alain Dieterlen, Katrin SkerlPosture estimation by analysing the pressure distribution on a cushion using machine learning


Rudolf Hoffmann, Christoph Reich, Katrin SkerlEvaluating different combination methods to analyse ultrasound and shear wave elastography images automatically through discriminative convolutional neural network in breast cancer imaging
Alparslan Babur, Nicolas Dockwiller, Yacine Belguermi, Ali Moukadem, Alain Dieterlen, Katrin SkerlFeasibility study to distinguish movements automatically by analysing the pressure distribution on a seat


Katrin Skerl, Bernd Eichhorn, Romans Poltorjanoks, Sandy Cochran, Andrew EvansIntroduction of a Measurement Setup to Monitor the Pressure Applied During Handheld Ultrasound Elastography


Achim Bumüller, Katrin SkerlDevelopment of a modular smart wheelchair
Katrin SkerlDigitalisierung in der Medizin – Chance oder Risiko?
Michael Ramsperger, Achim Bumüller, Bernhard Vondenbusch, Katrin SkerlSupporting the mobility of disabled people by an intelligent assistance system